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The two minerals are likely to remain unchanged when placed in contact with each other. Fluorite is a soft, colorful mineral composed of calcium and fluorine, while feldspar is a harder, more commonly occurring mineral made up of aluminum and silicate. There would be no chemical reaction or interaction between the two minerals.

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Q: What would happen if a piece of fluorite against a piece of feldspar?
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What would happen if you scratched a piece of fluorite against a piece of feldspar?

Fluorite is harder than feldspar, so scratching fluorite against feldspar would cause the fluorite to scratch the feldspar. This means the fluorite would leave a mark on the feldspar, showing that fluorite is harder than feldspar.

What would happen if you rubbed a piece of fluorite a piece of feldspar?

If you rubbed a piece of fluorite against a piece of feldspar, neither mineral would really change. Both minerals are relatively hard and have different chemical compositions, so they would not interact in a way that would result in a noticeable reaction.

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