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Evaporation is a physical process, not a chemical reaction. It involves the transformation of a liquid into a gas due to heat energy breaking the intermolecular forces holding the liquid molecules together.

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Q: What type of reactions are evaporation?
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Does the type of container affect the evaporation?

Yes, the type of container can affect evaporation. For example, a sealed container will slow down evaporation compared to an open container. Additionally, materials like glass or metal can also affect evaporation rates compared to porous materials like paper or cloth.

What type of mixture can only be separated by evaporation?

A homogeneous mixture such as a solution, where the solute is dissolved in the solvent, can be separated by evaporation. When the solution is heated, the solvent evaporates leaving behind the solute.

What type of phase change is evaporation?

Evaporation is a phase change from liquid to gas, where molecules at the surface of a liquid gain enough energy to escape into the gas phase.

How are evaporation and transformation different?

Evaporation is a phase change process in which a liquid turns into a gas at the surface of the liquid, while transformation refers to a change in the structure or composition of a substance, such as in chemical reactions or physical changes. Evaporation typically involves only a change in state, while transformation can involve various changes beyond state, such as chemical composition or physical properties.

What reaction breaks a compound into it's elements?

A decomposition reaction breaks a compound into its elements by breaking chemical bonds to form simpler substances. This type of reaction is often driven by heat, electricity, or other external factors that provide the necessary activation energy.

Related questions

Is evaporation an endothermic reactions?


What are two types of evaporation?

Two types of evaporation are solar evaporation, which occurs when water is heated by the sun, and mechanical evaporation, which involves the use of machines to heat water and accelerate the evaporation process.

Evaporation and condensation are what reaction?

Not chemical reactions, but change of phases

Does the type of climate matter for water evaporation?

Evaporation is faster in a warm climate.

Types of unit process?

Type your answer here... Chemical engineering divided in to unit operations and unit processes. Unit operations involve those, where no chemical reaction ocurring. eg: filteration, evaporation, distillation In unit processes, chemical reactions involved. eg: chemical reactions and synthesis.

What type of reactions always release energy?

exothermic reactions

Which type of irrigation losses the most water to evaporation?

Large irrigation channels losses more water by evaporation.

Does the type of container affect the evaporation?

Yes, the type of container can affect evaporation. For example, a sealed container will slow down evaporation compared to an open container. Additionally, materials like glass or metal can also affect evaporation rates compared to porous materials like paper or cloth.

How does quality of water affect the evaporation rate?

Impurities in water can alter the evaporation rate, depending on the type and quantity of impurity.

What type of rock can can form by evaporation?

Rocks composed of evaporite minerals, such as halite and gypsum, are rocks formed by evaporation of fluids.

All babout evaporation?

Evaporation is a type of vaporization of a liquid that occurs from the surface of a liquid into a gaseous phase that is not saturated with the evaporating substance. Evaporation is an essential part of the water cycle.

Name 2 pairs of reversible reations that can occur in the water cycle?

Evaporation and condensation are reversible reactions. They occur in water cycle.