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A carbon composition resistor is made from a compound of carbon graphite and resin bonding material. This type of resistor has a cylindrical shape and is used for applications requiring high stability and low noise levels.

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Q: What type of fixed resistor is made from a compound of carbon graphite and resin bonding material?
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What type of bonding in graphite?


Is pencil lead a resistor?

It is not a resistor, but not to say it's a good conductor. Although it lacks the metallic bonding that makes Cu such a good conductor, the sheets of graphite have hybridized sp2 orbitals, meaning there are long rows of p orbitals that can share electrons across the sheet, meaning it can conduct electricity. It has a resistivity of ~20uOhm meters, whereas as Cu has a resistivity of ~17nOhm meters.

What type of bonding graphite?

Graphite is made of pure carbon atoms. The bond between the C atoms is called a covalent bond.

Is the type of bonding between elements in a compound chemical-chemically?

Type of bonding between elements in a compound chemical-chemically is chemical bonding.

How does the bonding of Graphite explain Graphite's lubricanting properties?

Graphite only forms 3 covalent bonds and is arranged in layers so the layers can slide over each other easily.

What is the purpose if a bonding material?

The purpose of the bonding material is to join the materials being bound.

Two nonmetallic atoms react and a compound is formed The compound has what type of bonding?

The compound likely has covalent bonding. In covalent bonding, nonmetallic atoms share electrons to achieve a full outer electron shell, forming a stable compound. This type of bonding typically occurs between atoms of similar electronegativity.

What type of bonding is graphite?

Graphite consists of covalent bonding within the layers of carbon atoms, while the layers are held together by weak van der Waals forces.

Can electricity pass through carbon?

It depends on the form of the carbon, if it is charcoal or diamond (yes diamond) then no. But if it is graphite then yes. The reason why it can pass through graphite has to do with the bonding and the molecular structure of graphite which involves delocalised electrons not associated with any particular carbon atom, thereby providing a means by which to transfer charge.

Why is graphite low shear strength?

Graphite has low shear strength due to its laminar lattice structure and weak bonding between the layers which allow graphite to slip in layers resulting in low shear strength. - Dr. Aditi Kulshrestha

Is charcoal an ionic compound?

No, charcoal is not an ionic compound. Charcoal is a form of carbon that is composed of carbon atoms arranged in a non-ionic structure. Ionic compounds are formed from the transfer of electrons between positively and negatively charged ions.

Does ozone have an ionic compound or covalent compound?

Ozone has covalent bonding. It is an allotrope of Oxygen.