Carbon and hydrogen are the two main elements that make up crude oil.
Yes, all words are made up by humans to communicate ideas and concepts. Language is a tool that evolves over time, so new words can be created as needed in different languages.
The word "slosh" is a combination of "slop" and "splash," describing the sound or action of liquid moving or splattering around loosely.
H2O is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. CO2 is made up of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms.
Some examples of compound nouns made up of two separate words include "ice cream," "swimming pool," and "car wash." These compound nouns are formed by combining two separate words to create a new meaning.
sun hits the can then it flames up
The two words that make up the contraction "can't" are "cannot."
The two words that make up the contraction let's are let and us.
The (Inter)net and etiquette are the two words that make up the term netiquette.
There and have are the two words.
The two words that make up the word "flurry" are "fl" and "urry."
'Shall not' are the two words.
The two words 'who' and 'will' make up the contracted word 'who'll'.
They and are make up they're
The (Inter)net and etiquette are the two words that make up the term netiquette.
what two words mafe up bash
they have