the colors that make brown are red and green
The three colors that can combine to make any other color are red, blue, and yellow. These are known as primary colors in the subtractive color mixing model.
None. Yellow is a "primary" color, along with red and blue. These three colors may be mixed together, two at a time, to produce orange, green, and purple...the "secondary" colors. All three, mixed together, produce brown.
The three colors that can be used to make any other color are known as primary colors. These primary colors are typically red, blue, and yellow. By mixing and combining these three colors in different proportions, all other colors can be created.
just mix any colors together and you will get brown. for example if you mix red purple and green together you'll get brown
Just mix a bunch of colors and every time you mix three different colors together they'll make a grayish brown color
the color would be brown. red and blue make purple. yellow an dblue make green. the three original colors to make others are red, yellow, and blue. if you mix the those 3 colors, the color would be brown and green and purple are another substance from the three colors.
The three primary colours mixed in brown.
There are three colors that make up the color hazel. The colors are blue, green, and brown. People with hazel eyes generally have all of these colors visible.
the color would be brown. red and blue make purple. yellow an dblue make green. the three original colors to make others are red, yellow, and blue. if you mix the those 3 colors, the color would be brown and green and purple are another substance from the three colors.
the color would be brown. red and blue make purple. yellow an dblue make green. the three original colors to make others are red, yellow, and blue. if you mix the those 3 colors, the color would be brown and green and purple are another substance from the three colors.
Red and Green make brown. these two colors make brown because they are opposite colors on the color wheel. opposite colors make a brown (muddy like color) with this said, you now know that opposite colors on the color wheel, (colors that are on the same spot just on the other side) when mixed together will always make a brown (muddy like color) for example, yellow is opposite violet on the color wheel, so when mixed together they will make brown!
white and brown
the colors that make brown are red and green
Green, blue, and brown are three major colors found in nature. Green represents the lush vegetation, blue represents the skies and bodies of water, and brown represents the earth and soil.
brown,grey,and white together
If you add red to green, you get brown.