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Carbon and hydrogen are the only elements in allmolecules in living things.

After that come oxygen and nitrogen, but these are not in all molecules in living things.

All living cells and organic compounds are made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. This includes all protiens, fats and carbohydrates that we consume as nutrients.

Hydrocarbons are made of Carbon and Hydrogen. This includes products such as fuel oil, methane, ethane, butane, benzene, paraffin; all of which can be burn for fuel.

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1mo ago

The three chemical elements found in all molecules that make up living things are carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. These elements are crucial for building organic compounds like carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids essential for life.

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Q: What three chemical elements are found in all the molecules that make up living things?
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The most frequently occurring chemical elements in living things are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. These elements are essential for building biomolecules like proteins, DNA, and carbohydrates that make up living organisms.

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CHON - carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, & nitrogen.

What elements combine to form chemical compounds in living things?

Living things typically consist of various chemical compounds such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. These compounds are made up of elements such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur. Through the bonding of these elements, a wide range of complex molecules essential for life are formed.

What type of cycle involves the movement of chemical elements through the earth living things and the atmosphere?


Why is the study of chemistry important to understanding of living things?

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