

Best Answer
  • Hydrogen can be used as a fuel by itself.
  • Hydrogen combines with carbon to form hydrocarbons, many of which make good fuels. Blends of some these are known as petrol or gasoline; other blends are known as diesel fuel; still another is kerosene or paraffin.
  • Hydrogen combines with nitrogen to form hydrazine which can be used as rocket fuel.
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Oxygen is the substance that combines with hydrogen in a process called combustion to produce water, releasing energy that can be used as fuel in fuel cells or combustion engines.

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Q: What substance combines with hydrogen so it can be used as a fuel?
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What is the substance that supplies energy to fuel cell activity?

The substance that supplies energy to fuel cell activity is typically hydrogen. It is used as the fuel source in the anode compartment of the fuel cell and undergoes a reaction that produces electrons and protons, which then generate electricity.

Is using hydrogen as a fuel in cars a chemical change?

To get Hydrogen as a fuel to be used in electric vehicles, the hydrogen combines with oxygen giving of 2 electrons which powers the application. The waste product is H20 (water!). If you want a simple yes or no, then the answer is Yes, because you are converting Hydrogen into Water to produce electricity.

Which of the following is true regarding hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen fusion?

The amount of mass that "disappears" in the fusion of two hydrogen atoms is more than the amount of mass that "disappears" when two atoms are used in a fuel cell.the amount of mass that dissapears.........ect

Can you use hydrogen peroxyde in a fuel cell?

Hydrogen peroxide can be used in certain types of fuel cells called direct borohydride fuel cells. In these fuel cells, hydrogen peroxide is used as an oxidant in place of oxygen. However, the efficiency and practicality of using hydrogen peroxide in fuel cells is still being researched and developed.

How can hydrogen be used as a fuel source?

Hydrogen can be used as a fuel source by being converted into electricity through a fuel cell. This process involves combining hydrogen with oxygen to produce electricity, with water and heat as byproducts. Hydrogen fuel cells are used in various applications, such as powering vehicles and providing backup power in remote locations.

Related questions

What Ways do we turn hydrogen into energy we can use?

Hydrogen can be turned into energy through processes like fuel cells, where hydrogen combines with oxygen to produce electricity, water, and heat. Hydrogen can also be used to power internal combustion engines in hydrogen fuel vehicles, or it can be burned in a turbine or engine to generate electricity.

Undefinedwhy hydrogen isnot used as thermometric substance?

Answer this question...hydrogen isnot used as thermometeretric substance?

Which substance is a liquid fuel used in rocket engine?

Traditionally, rockets use cryogenic (super-cold) oxygen and hydrogen.

Why liquid hydrogen cannot be used as a fuel?

Liquid hydrogen IS used as a fuel. It's used in rockets - and some cars.

What are some usages for hydrogen?

Hydrogen can be used as fuel.

What is the substance that supplies energy to fuel cell activity?

The substance that supplies energy to fuel cell activity is typically hydrogen. It is used as the fuel source in the anode compartment of the fuel cell and undergoes a reaction that produces electrons and protons, which then generate electricity.

Is using hydrogen as a fuel in cars a chemical change?

To get Hydrogen as a fuel to be used in electric vehicles, the hydrogen combines with oxygen giving of 2 electrons which powers the application. The waste product is H20 (water!). If you want a simple yes or no, then the answer is Yes, because you are converting Hydrogen into Water to produce electricity.

Why hydrogen is used as fuel?

because it is

Is using hydrogen as a fuel in cars?

Hydrogen can be used as fuel in carsbecause it don't cause any pollution

Is hydrogen being used now?

yes it is used for rocket fuel but not auto fuel

Which of the following is true regarding hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen fusion?

The amount of mass that "disappears" in the fusion of two hydrogen atoms is more than the amount of mass that "disappears" when two atoms are used in a fuel cell.the amount of mass that dissapears.........ect

Environmentally and responsibly speaking would the earth's water supply be endangered if the population uses it for hydrogen fuel?

Not at all. Once hydrogen is made by the electrolysis of water, it is then used in one of two ways. Either it is burned, in which case it combines with oxygen, and pure water is made again, or it is used in a fuel, in which case it also combines with oxygen (but not in a combustion reaction now), and again, pure water is made. That is the benefit of hydrogen as a fuel -- the cycle is perfectly complete. It comes from water, and water is returned in an equal amount.The question is not at all the supply of water, but rather how to get the hydrogen gas from water. That takes energy, and unless that energy is clean, than the benefits of hydrogen are lost. The best way to make hydrogen would be from sunlight using a photoelectrochemical cell, which is a special kind of solar cell that can directly make hydrogen gas from sunlight.