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Ammonium sulphate is an inorganic salt. When we add to latex, it will dissociate to ammonium ions. By itself, ammonium ion will increase ionic strength in latex. It makes latex destabilise easily. However, if there are zinc oxide and ammonia in the system, then there will be another action of zinc ammine complexes happen. This action will destabilize latex more easily. In this destabilised action, the latex will gel or "dry" faster. This is the normal system for making latex products like mask or latex carpet underlay.

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Since the severe allergic reactions to latex are due to their naturally occurring proteins, the prior art offers little in the way of solutions. For example, "hypoallergenic" latex products are free from the vulcanization accelerator compounds that can cause dermatitis, but do not prevent immediate hypersensitivity reactions. Likewise, ammonia treatment of the natural rubber latex proteins can cause breakdown and precipitation of some latex proteins, but the allergenicity appears to be preserved and other antigenic latex proteins are unextractable. In short, the literature recommends that the only treatment available for latex allergy is avoidance.

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Ammonium sulfate is used as a coagulant in latex processing to help break down latex proteins more efficiently, which accelerates the coagulation process and results in faster drying of the latex. The presence of ammonium sulfate helps improve the overall processing time and efficiency in latex production.

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Q: What purpose of ammonium sulfate at latex Ammonium sulfate added in latex will make latex dry faster than ammonium free latex?
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Why does mixing zinc powder ammonium chloride ammonium nitrate and spit create fire?

Mixing zinc powder, ammonium chloride, ammonium nitrate, and spit can create a thermite-like reaction due to the presence of a reducing agent (zinc powder) and oxidizing agents (ammonium chloride and ammonium nitrate). The moisture from the spit helps initiate the reaction by providing the necessary water vapor for the reaction to occur, resulting in high heat production and the potential for fire.

What gas diffuses more quickly hydrochloric acid or ammonium hydroxide?

Two gasses at the same temperature have the same average amount of kinetic energy per molecule. An ammonia (NH3) molecule has less mass than hydrochloric acid (hydrogen chloride, HCl) molecule. Since the NH3 has the same amount of kinetic energy as the more massive HCl, ammonia molecules will move faster and thus diffuse faster. Kinetic energy ~ 1/2*m*v2

Which dissolve first the coarse copper sulfate crystals or the powdered copper sulfate?

The powdered copper sulfate will dissolve faster than the coarse copper sulfate crystals because the increased surface area of the tiny particles allows for quicker contact with the solvent, facilitating a faster dissolution process.

Can you add sulfur to soil to make it more acidic?

Yes, sulfur can be added to soil to lower its pH and make it more acidic. Sulfur reacts with oxygen and water in the soil to form sulfuric acid, which in turn lowers the pH level of the soil. It is important to test the soil pH before adding sulfur to avoid making the soil too acidic for plant growth.

Which will dissolve faster copper sulfate in hot water Or copper sulfate in cold water?

Copper sulfate will dissolve faster in hot water than in cold water. This is because higher temperatures increase the kinetic energy of the particles, allowing them to move more quickly and break down the crystal structure of the compound more rapidly, promoting dissolution.

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Why does mixing zinc powder ammonium chloride ammonium nitrate and spit create fire?

Mixing zinc powder, ammonium chloride, ammonium nitrate, and spit can create a thermite-like reaction due to the presence of a reducing agent (zinc powder) and oxidizing agents (ammonium chloride and ammonium nitrate). The moisture from the spit helps initiate the reaction by providing the necessary water vapor for the reaction to occur, resulting in high heat production and the potential for fire.

What kind of explosive was greater and faster than ammonium nitrate?

Ammonium nitrate is one of the slowest explosives in existence. Dynamites, PETN, TNT, HMX and RDX are more powerful (pound for pound) and have a higher rate of detonation.

How do you dissolve ferric ammonium sulphate in water?

To dissolve ferric ammonium sulfate in water, add the powder gradually to water while stirring continuously. Make sure to make a concentrated solution by adding the powder in small amounts and stirring until fully dissolved. Heating the water slightly can also help in dissolving the compound faster.

What gas diffuses more quickly hydrochloric acid or ammonium hydroxide?

Two gasses at the same temperature have the same average amount of kinetic energy per molecule. An ammonia (NH3) molecule has less mass than hydrochloric acid (hydrogen chloride, HCl) molecule. Since the NH3 has the same amount of kinetic energy as the more massive HCl, ammonia molecules will move faster and thus diffuse faster. Kinetic energy ~ 1/2*m*v2

Can a cold pack with ammonium nitrate explode?

Yes, a cold pack containing ammonium nitrate can explode if subjected to high temperatures, physical impact, or an external stimulus that triggers a chemical reaction causing rapid release of gas. It is important to handle cold packs with care and according to the manufacturer's instructions to prevent accidents.

What is fixer used in photograph made of?

There are two fixers. The old fixer is sodium thiosulfite. The good stuff is ammonium thiosulfite. When this stuff first came out, we all went to it for two reasons--it's packaged as a concentrated liquid, so it's quicker and easier to mix, and it fixes really fast, so you spend less time fixing. Later on we found out ammonium thiosulfate has an even more important benefit: it washes out of the emulsion a lot faster.

Which faster dissolves first the solid cupric sulfate or powdered cupric sulfate?

powders have larger surface areas so will dissolve faster

Which dissolve first the coarse copper sulfate crystals or the powdered copper sulfate?

The powdered copper sulfate will dissolve faster than the coarse copper sulfate crystals because the increased surface area of the tiny particles allows for quicker contact with the solvent, facilitating a faster dissolution process.

Why a ice pack is shaken after the inner bag has burst?

Shaking the ice pack after the inner bag has burst helps to evenly distribute the contents inside, promoting better cooling efficiency. This allows the pack to provide consistent and effective cold therapy when applied to the affected area.

Can you add sulfur to soil to make it more acidic?

Yes, sulfur can be added to soil to lower its pH and make it more acidic. Sulfur reacts with oxygen and water in the soil to form sulfuric acid, which in turn lowers the pH level of the soil. It is important to test the soil pH before adding sulfur to avoid making the soil too acidic for plant growth.

Can you chew morphine sulfate?

Yes! get a much better faster effect.

Which will dissolve faster copper sulfate in hot water Or copper sulfate in cold water?

Copper sulfate will dissolve faster in hot water than in cold water. This is because higher temperatures increase the kinetic energy of the particles, allowing them to move more quickly and break down the crystal structure of the compound more rapidly, promoting dissolution.