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chlorine water + sunlight gives chlorine and oxygen in normal STP conditions .

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Zackery Schumm

Lvl 13
1y ago
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3mo ago

When chlorine is exposed to sunlight, it forms a mixture of products including chlorine radicals (Cl•), chlorine gas (Cl2), and other reactive species like hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and chlorate ions. These products can contribute to various photochemical reactions in the atmosphere.

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Q: What products are formed when chlorine is exposed to sunlight?
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What products are formed when chlorine water is exposed to sunlight?

When chlorine water is exposed to sunlight, it can produce a mixture of chemicals including hypochlorous acid, hydrochloric acid, and oxygen. In the presence of organic matter, additional byproducts such as chloroform and other disinfection byproducts may also form.

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The products formed are a mixture of mainly chloroethanes (C2H5Cl) and some hydrogen chloride (HCl) gas. The reaction of ethane with chlorine in sunlight leads to the substitution of hydrogen atoms in ethane by chlorine atoms.

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What happens when Hydrogen and chlorine react in direct sunlight?

When hydrogen and chlorine react in direct sunlight, they undergo a very rapid and exothermic reaction, forming hydrogen chloride gas. This reaction is highly explosive and can produce intense amounts of heat and light. It is important to handle these two substances carefully and prevent exposure to direct sunlight to avoid accidents.

What are monochlorination products?

Monochlorination products are compounds that result from the addition of a single chlorine atom to an organic molecule. Different positional isomers can be formed depending on the site of chlorination on the molecule. These products are commonly studied in organic chemistry to understand regioselectivity and reactivity in chlorination reactions.

How salt is different from chlorine?

Ordinary salt is a compound formed from sodium and chlorine.

What kind of bond is formed between hydrogen and chlorine?

A polar covalent bond is formed between hydrogen and chlorine. This bond is formed by the unequal sharing of electrons, with chlorine attracting the electrons more strongly than hydrogen.