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Archimedes' Principle. It all depends on the buoyant force and the densities of the two objects.

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8mo ago

The principle is called buoyancy or Archimedes' principle. The brick sinks in water because its density is greater than that of water, causing it to displace less water than its own weight. This results in a net downward force greater than the buoyant force acting upwards, causing the brick to sink.

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Q: What principle is it when a brick doesn't float on water?
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What Solids that don't float on water?

one answer is a brick.A brick does not float on water.

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for a brick to float on water 2 thirds of the mixture should be salt

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The chalk float inside the water because chalk has a lower density than water, causing it to float. This is due to the principle of buoyancy, where an object will float if it is less dense than the fluid it is placed in.

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wow that's sad a boat that can float is any tye of boat that doesnt have a hole in it

Who worked out why things float?

The concept of why things float is attributed to the ancient Greek mathematician and physicist Archimedes. He discovered the principle of buoyancy, which states that an object will float if it displaces an amount of water equal in weight to the object itself. This principle is now known as Archimedes' Principle.

When a brick is lowered into a bucket full of water some of the water spills out over the sides why does it happen?

When the brick is lowered into the bucket, it displaces some of the water, causing the water level to rise. If the brick is large enough, it can displace more water than the bucket can hold, leading to water spilling over the sides. This is due to the principle of displacement, which states that an object submerged in a fluid will displace an amount of fluid equal to its own volume.

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An iceberg floats on water because it is less dense than the water it displaces. Ice has a lower density than liquid water due to the way its molecules are arranged, allowing it to float. This principle is known as buoyancy and is governed by Archimedes' principle.

How does the stick float can float on water?

A stick can float on water due to its density being lower than that of water. The air trapped within the stick and the porous nature of the wood make it less dense, allowing it to float. This is due to the principle of buoyancy, where an object will float if it displaces an amount of water equal to its weight.

How can a heavy object float in waer?

A heavy object can float in water if it is shaped in a way that displaces more water than its own weight. This creates an upward buoyant force that counteracts the object's weight, allowing it to stay afloat. This principle is known as Archimedes' principle.

Does sugar cubes float in water?

no it doesnt because it has lots of mass which makes in sink.

How do balls float on water?

Balls float on water due to a principle known as buoyancy. When an object is less dense than water, it displaces an amount of water that weighs more than the object itself, causing it to float. The shape and size of the ball also play a role in determining its ability to float.

Why does float water?

Objects float in water because of a principle known as buoyancy. When an object is placed in water, it experiences an upward force equal to the weight of the water that it displaces. If this upward force is greater than the object's weight, the object will float.