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What percentage of gases do we breath in

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The air we breathe is approximately 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and the remaining 1% consists of other gases such as carbon dioxide, argon, and trace gases.

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What percent of gases does the air you breathe out contain?

The air you breathe out contains around 16% oxygen and 4% carbon dioxide, with the remaining percentage made up of nitrogen, water vapor, and other trace gases.

How much of the air you breathe out is oxygen?

Around 16% of the air you breathe out is oxygen. This percentage decreases from the 21% of oxygen in the air you inhale due to the exchange of gases that occurs during respiration.

Breathe-in is to oxygen as breathe-out is to?

Carbon Dioxide. Actually you breathe in 78% Nitrogen so... Breathe in is to all sorts of gases.

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What percentage of the air you breathe into your lungs is actually used by your body to function normally?

About 21% of the air you breathe in is oxygen, which is used by your body to function normally. The rest is made up of mostly nitrogen and trace amounts of other gases.

What is the percentage of gases in the stratosphere?

The stratosphere is composed mostly of nitrogen (about 78%) and oxygen (about 21%). Other gases present in smaller amounts include ozone, water vapor, and trace gases like helium and methane. The exact percentages can vary slightly depending on altitude and location.

What is the percentage difference between inhaled and exhaled oxygen?

The percentage difference between inhaled and exhaled oxygen is around 5-10%. When we inhale, we breathe in air that contains approximately 21% oxygen, and when we exhale, the air we breathe out contains around 16-17% oxygen due to the exchange of gases that occurs in the lungs.

What is one of the 'gases' you breathe out?

Carbon dioxide OK?

Gases have ..?

Gases have no definite volume or shape. The air that you breathe, the helium in a balloon, and the neon inside the tube in a neon light are gases.

Can you breathe in all gases?

No, we cant breath all of the gases for example we cant breath carbon dioxide

Why are gases important to us?

There are many reasons why gases are important to us. For example, the air that we breathe is a gas.