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Denitrifying bacteria are responsible for converting nitrates back into nitrogen gas as part of the nitrogen cycle. These bacteria thrive in oxygen-poor environments and break down nitrates into nitrites and eventually into nitrogen gas.

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Q: What organism turns nitrates back into nitrogen gas?
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How are nitrates changed back into nitrogen?

Nitrates can be changed back into nitrogen through a process called denitrification. This process is carried out by denitrifying bacteria in the soil, which convert nitrates into nitrogen gas under anaerobic conditions. This nitrogen gas is then released back into the atmosphere.

Outline the major steps in the nitrogen cycle?

Nitrogen fixation: Bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia. Nitrification: Ammonia is converted into nitrites and then nitrates by nitrifying bacteria. Assimilation: Plants and other organisms take up nitrates to build proteins and nucleic acids. Ammonification: Decomposers break down organic matter releasing ammonia back into the soil. Denitrification: Denitrifying bacteria convert nitrates back into atmospheric nitrogen, completing the cycle.

What are the four stages of the nitrogen cycle?

The four stages of the nitrogen cycle are nitrogen fixation, nitrification, assimilation, and denitrification. During nitrogen fixation, nitrogen gas is converted into ammonia by bacteria. Nitrification involves the conversion of ammonia into nitrites and nitrates. Assimilation is the process of incorporating nitrogen into living organisms. Denitrification converts nitrates back into nitrogen gas.

In the nitrogen cycle bacteria combine nitrogen gas with hydrogen to form ammonia in a process?

You think probable to bacterial conversion.

How is nitrogen released back into the atmospere?

Nitrogen is released back into the atmosphere through a process called denitrification. This occurs when bacteria convert nitrates in the soil back into nitrogen gas, which is then released into the air. Additionally, nitrogen can also be released through volcanic eruptions and human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels.

Related questions

How are nitrates changed back into nitrogen?

Nitrates can be changed back into nitrogen through a process called denitrification. This process is carried out by denitrifying bacteria in the soil, which convert nitrates into nitrogen gas under anaerobic conditions. This nitrogen gas is then released back into the atmosphere.

What occurs when anaerobic bacteria break down nitrates and release nitrogen gas back into the atmosphere?

When anaerobic bacteria break down nitrates, they can denitrify the nitrates and release nitrogen gas (N2) back into the atmosphere. This process is called denitrification and it helps return nitrogen to the atmosphere in its inert form.

Nitrogen cycle in order?

The nitrogen cycle begins with nitrogen fixation, where nitrogen gas is converted into ammonia by bacteria. Ammonia is then converted into nitrites and nitrates by nitrifying bacteria. Plants take up nitrates as nutrients, which are then consumed by animals. Finally, denitrifying bacteria break down nitrates back into nitrogen gas, completing the cycle.

The conversion of nitrates back into free nitrogen by bacteria in the soil is?

called denitrification. This process releases nitrogen gas back into the atmosphere, completing the nitrogen cycle. Denitrification occurs under anaerobic conditions where bacteria use nitrates as an alternative electron acceptor in the absence of oxygen.

What form of nitrogen is returned to the atmosphere by plant?

Your answer is invalid, because the plants return the nitrogen back in to the air. I think what you're trying to ask is what forms of nitrogen is taken by the plants. The answer is nitrides, and nitrates. Nitrides are formed by decomposers in the soil and further nitrogen fixation causes nitrides into nitrates. You can notice this through their equation: nitrides (n3) nitrates (no3).

Which bacteria decompose nitrates in the soil into free nitrogen?

Denitrifying bacteria, such as Pseudomonas and Paracoccus species, carry out the process of denitrification, converting nitrates in the soil into free nitrogen gas. This process helps to return nitrogen gas back to the atmosphere, completing the nitrogen cycle.

Outline the major steps in the nitrogen cycle?

Nitrogen fixation: Bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia. Nitrification: Ammonia is converted into nitrites and then nitrates by nitrifying bacteria. Assimilation: Plants and other organisms take up nitrates to build proteins and nucleic acids. Ammonification: Decomposers break down organic matter releasing ammonia back into the soil. Denitrification: Denitrifying bacteria convert nitrates back into atmospheric nitrogen, completing the cycle.

How is nitrates in the soil return to the atmosphere?

Nitrates in the soil can be returned to the atmosphere through a process called denitrification, where bacteria convert nitrates into nitrogen gas. This occurs in oxygen-deprived conditions, such as waterlogged soil or during decomposition processes. The nitrogen gas is then released back into the atmosphere.

What are the major parts in the nitrogen cycle?

The major parts of the nitrogen cycle include nitrogen fixation (conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into forms usable by plants), nitrification (conversion of ammonium into nitrites and nitrates by bacteria), denitrification (conversion of nitrates back into atmospheric nitrogen), and assimilation (incorporation of nitrogen into plant and animal tissues).

What are the four stages of the nitrogen cycle?

The four stages of the nitrogen cycle are nitrogen fixation, nitrification, assimilation, and denitrification. During nitrogen fixation, nitrogen gas is converted into ammonia by bacteria. Nitrification involves the conversion of ammonia into nitrites and nitrates. Assimilation is the process of incorporating nitrogen into living organisms. Denitrification converts nitrates back into nitrogen gas.

What are the three types of bacteria involved in nitrogen cycle?

The three types of bacteria which are involved in the nitrogen cycle are nitrogen- fixing bacteria which change the nitrogen gas into ammonia. The next is nitrifying bacteria which changes the ammonia into nitrities and then the nitriites into nitrates. Then the plant absorbs the nitrates and uses them to continue growth. Then an animal may eat the plant receiving the nitrogen from it. But it must eventually get ride of it so it produces waste which goes back into the soil and is broken down by decomposers and fungi, which then turn it back into ammonia. The cycle then repeats itself. Extra nitrates are turned back into nitrogen gas by denitrifying bacteria.

Why are nitrogen fixing bacteria important?

Although the air is made up of about 80% nitrogen, plants cannot use nitrogen in this N2 form. Nitrogen fixing bacteria change nitrogen into the form of soluble nitrates so that plants can use it. Other bacteria, known as de-nitrifying bacteria, change nitrates back into N2, which completes the nitrogen cycle