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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 1mo ago

Carbon dioxide is the molecule produced in the citric acid cycle as a byproduct of glucose oxidation. It is subsequently released into the bloodstream and carried to the lungs, where it is removed from the body through exhalation.

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Q: What molecule is produced in the citric acid cycle as a by product of glucose oxidation and is subsequently released into the bloodstream and carried to the lungs where it is removed from the body?
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How many moleccules of ATP are produced at the end of oxidation of one molecule of glucose?

36 - 38

What is the actual number of ATP produced from complete oxidation of one molecule of glucose?

The actual number of ATP produced from the complete oxidation of one molecule of glucose is around 30-32 ATP molecules. This includes ATP generated through glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria.

How many ATP molecules theoretically may be generated by the complet e oxidation of glucose into carbon dioxide?

64 net...68 are produced overall but 2 ATP's are used in the reaction per molecule of glucose.

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The complete oxidation of one molecule of glucose produces 36-38 ATP. Therefore, the complete oxidation of 3 molecules of glucose would produce 108-114 ATP in total.

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Simply put, the process of oxidation is that of reacting to add oxygen. Carbon (C) burning in air (O2) to form Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is and Oxidation reaction. Conversely, the process of removing oxygen form a molecule is a reduction. When a lump of iron ore is heated with carbon, oxygen is removed and metallic Iron is produced and the Iron ore is said to have been reduced.

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How many ATP molecules are produced from one glucose?

In aerobic respiration, one molecule of glucose yields 38 ATP molecules, eight produced during glycolysis, six from the link reaction and 24 from the Krebs cycle. The net gain is 36 ATP, as two of the ATP molecules produced from glycolysis are used up in the re-oxidation of the hydrogen carrier molecule NAD. Therefore; There are 38 ATP molecules produced but net gain is 36 ATP

How many molecules of FADH2 are produced by the complete oxidation of one acetyl group by the citric acid cycle?

One acetyl group produces 1 molecule of FADH2 in the citric acid cycle.

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Is acetic acid produced by the oxidation of ethanol?

No, acetic acid is produced by the oxidation of ethanol. Ethanol is oxidized to acetaldehyde, which is further oxidized to acetic acid.

How many ATP are produced in kerbs citric system?

In the citric acid (Krebs) cycle, each turn of the cycle produces 1 molecule of ATP directly. However, the majority of ATP is generated in the electron transport chain following the cycle, where approximately 30-32 molecules of ATP are produced from the energy released during the oxidation of NADH and FADH2.