The only matter in a stable element is at least one of each of the two stable electrically charged subatomic particles, protons and electrons, and except for an atom of the isotope hydrogen-1, at least one neutron, the uncharged stable subatomic particle. The numbers of protons and electrons must be the same. Artificial elements may contain other subatomic particles such as positrons.
(The subatomic particles themselves are considered to be composed of quarks, which could be called sub-subatomic particles, but quarks are not usually considered to be matter since they can not exist in isolation for more than very small fractions of a second.)
Yes, elemental phosphorus is an example of matter. Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass, and as an element on the periodic table, elemental phosphorus fits this definition.
The natural state of matter of the element tellurium is solid at room temperature.
Elements are matter made of one kind of atom.elements
An atom is the smallest building block of matter that retains the characteristics of that matter.
An element can exist in three states of matter: solid, liquid, or gas. The state of a particular element depends on factors like temperature and pressure.
yes an element is matter
An atom is a unit of matter that has all the properties of an element. It is the smallest unit of an element that retains the chemical properties of that element.
Carbon is the element contained in all organic matter.
Matter is composed from [atomic] elements.
It is an element.
No, an element is the simplest form of matter.
Yes, elemental phosphorus is an example of matter. Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass, and as an element on the periodic table, elemental phosphorus fits this definition.
It is in a solid state of matter.
Elemental matter.
The natural state of matter of the element tellurium is solid at room temperature.