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Bubbles in rock form when gas-rich magma cools and solidifies without the gas being able to escape. The trapped gas forms bubbles within the cooling rock, creating a porous texture. Over time, the solidified rock with bubbles can become a type of volcanic rock called vesicular basalt.

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Q: What makes bubbles form into rocks?
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What are vescular rocks?

Vesicular rocks are rocks that contain gas bubbles or vesicles within their structure. These bubbles form when gases trapped in the molten rock are released as the rock cools and solidifies. Common types of vesicular rocks include pumice and scoria.

Why do holes form in some extrusive rock?

Holes can form in extrusive rocks, like pumice, due to gas bubbles trapped in the magma during volcanic eruptions. As the magma solidifies quickly, these gas bubbles remain trapped and form the holes in the rock.

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Limestone and dolomite are two rocks that are primarily composed of the mineral calcite, which bubbles with acid.

Why are there bubbles in igneous rocks?

the lava bubbles up and some of the rock cools while there is a bubble and makes a little gap in side.

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Metamorphic Rocks are rocks that have changed form due to heat and pressure.

Are sedimetary rocks vesicular?

No, sedimentary rocks are generally not vesicular. Vesicular rocks are typically igneous rocks that contain gas bubbles trapped during cooling, creating a porous appearance. Sedimentary rocks form from the accumulation and compression of sediments, which do not typically contain vesicles.

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The ingredient in Joy dishwashing liquid that makes bubbles is called sodium lauryl sulfate, which is a surfactant. Surfactants lower the surface tension of water, allowing bubbles to form and helping to lift grease and grime from dishes.

Why do holes form in extrusive rocks?

the holes in extrusive igneous rocks (lava) are called vesicles. They are formed by gas escaping from the rock when molten, leaving bubbles in the melt which which may be preserved when the lava solidifies

Why do some igneous rocks have bubbles or pores and are these rocks intrusive or extrusive?

Some igneous rocks have bubbles or pores due to the presence of gases, typically trapped during the cooling process. These rocks are commonly extrusive, formed from lava that cools quickly on the Earth's surface, allowing the gas bubbles to remain. In contrast, intrusive rocks, forming from slowly cooling magma beneath the surface, typically have fewer or no bubbles or pores.

When acids are added to rocks containing a carbonate bubbles form is this evidence of a physical change or chemical change?

This is evidence of a chemical change. When acids react with carbonate minerals in rocks, they create gas (CO2), which leads to the formation of bubbles. This reaction results in the formation of new substances, indicating a chemical change.

How did bubbles form in basalt?

Bubbles in basalt form during volcanic eruptions when dissolved gases in the molten rock are released as the lava cools and solidifies. As the lava rises to the surface, the decrease in pressure allows the gases to escape, creating bubbles in the rock.

What causes igneous rocks to have holes?

Holes in igneous rocks are typically formed by gas bubbles getting trapped in the molten rock as it cools and solidifies. These trapped gas bubbles then escape as the rock solidifies, leaving behind cavities or holes.