A substance is a conductor if it allows electric current to flow easily through it due to the presence of free electrons that can carry the charge. An insulator, on the other hand, restricts the flow of electric current due to its lack of free electrons or the strong binding of electrons in the material. The conductivity of a substance depends on its atomic structure and the availability of free charges.
No, a substance cannot be both a conductor and an insulator simultaneously. Conductors allow the flow of electricity, whereas insulators do not. Materials are classified as conductors or insulators based on their ability to conduct electricity.
its an insulator
Ceramic is a good insulator. Its strong resistance to heat and electricity makes it suitable for use in a wide range of applications where insulation is needed.
No, candle wax is not a conductor of electricity. It is an insulator.
Brass will conduct both electricity and heat. So brass is a conductor, but not an insulator.
Since elastic is rubber and rubber is an insulator, then yes, elastic is an insulator.
Yes leaf is a conductor so dum
No, a substance cannot be both a conductor and an insulator simultaneously. Conductors allow the flow of electricity, whereas insulators do not. Materials are classified as conductors or insulators based on their ability to conduct electricity.
It is an insulator
Wood is an insulator because it does not conduct electricity well due to its high resistance. This property makes wood a good material for insulating electrical wires and construction.
Silver makes it a conductor.
its an insulator
is a pen a insulator of conductor
Aluminum foil can be use as both insulator and conductor. It can wrap and trap air inside cause thermal insulating effect but in other hand, aluminum itself is a conductor for evenly distribution of heat throughout the food. Aspect of substance fabricated is different from an insulation conduction aspect of a substance.
semi conductor