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Power stations typically burn fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, or oil to generate electricity. The burning of these fuels produces heat, which is used to produce steam that drives turbines connected to generators to produce electricity.

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Q: What liquid do power stations burn?
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What power stations produce CO2?

Most power stations that burn fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas produce CO2 as a byproduct of combustion. These fossil fuel power stations are major contributors to CO2 emissions and climate change.

How do coal power stations operates?

Coal power stations burn coal to heat water, creating steam that drives turbines to generate electricity. The electricity is then sent through a transformer to increase the voltage for transmission through power lines. The steam is cooled and condensed back into water to be heated again in a continuous cycle.

Are nuclear power stations more efficient than coal power stations?

Yes, nuclear power stations are generally more efficient than coal power stations, as they can generate more electricity with the same amount of fuel. Nuclear power produces less waste and greenhouse gas emissions compared to coal power.

Which resources do coal power stations use?

Coal power stations use coal as their primary resource to generate electricity. They also use water for steam production, cooling, and emissions control. Additionally, they require land for infrastructure and waste disposal.

What is a burn or injury to the flesh by hot liquid or steam?

A burn is damage to the skin caused by contact with hot liquid or steam. It can result in pain, redness, blistering, and in severe cases, scarring. Immediate first aid treatment, such as cool water application and seeking medical help if needed, is important for burn management.

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Are nuclear power stations better for the environment than power stations that burn fossil fuels?


What fossil fuels do we burn in power stations?

they burn fossil fuels like coal, fuel oil, and oil shale

What do power stations burn most often?

Power stations most often burn fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, and oil to generate electricity. These fuels are readily available and economically viable for large-scale electricity production.

What power stations produce CO2?

Most power stations that burn fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas produce CO2 as a byproduct of combustion. These fossil fuel power stations are major contributors to CO2 emissions and climate change.

Plant that burns waste to produce electricity?

Biomass power stations. (Regular power stations that burn coal can easily be converted to burning biomass (vegetation), reducing pollution, just by changing the fuel.)

How is wood used as a source of energy in our daily lives?

Most often, we simply burn it in a fire or stove. There are a few power stations which burn wood chips.

Why do power stations use water not a lowwer boiling point liquid?

Water is cheap and easily obtained.

When you burn fuels in power stations what chemical is released?

It really depends on what the people are burning it can range from oxygen to carbon monoxide

How is liquid biofuel use to generate electricity?

Liquid biofuel will burn in much the same as fossil fuel oil, so it will even run the same power stations. The simplest form of electricity generation is to use steam to turn a turbine which generates electricity. Biofuel is thus used to boil water into steam.

What are two things that burn fossil fuel?

Two things that burn fossil fuels are gasoline-powered vehicles and coal-fired power plants.

Where does fuel for power stations come from?

Presuming you mean fuel that is burned, coal, oil and gas come from underground mines and wells. Some experimental or small scale stations burn rubbish or biomass such as elephant grass grown for the purpose. Nuclear stations don't burn anything, but their raw material is often called fuel. This is often uranium, which is also mined.

Nuclear power stations pollute the nature?

yes. they are one of the major source of air pollution. they burn a lot of fossil fuel that is harmful to the environment.