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In a study done for a science fair project I found that when placing a nail in Mt. Dew, Orange Crush and Diet Pepsi that the Diet Pepsi rusted the nail far more than the other two sodas. Only a small amount of rust was found on the nails in the lighter sodas. The experiment was conducted over a period of 16 days. Hope this answers your question :)

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3mo ago

A soda with a high acidity level, such as cola, can cause a nail to rust faster due to the corrosive nature of the acids. The acid in the soda can weaken the protective coating on the nail, allowing rust to form more quickly.

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What kind of mixture is nail and sand?

Nail and sand would be considered a heterogeneous mixture because the two substances do not mix uniformly and can be easily separated.

What forms of iron would rust the fastest thin iron plate iron nail solid iron cube fine iron filings?

The iron nail would rust the fastest, as its surface area is relatively larger compared to the other forms of iron listed. This allows more exposure to oxygen and moisture, which are essential for the rusting process to occur.

How long would saltwater rust a nail?

Saltwater can cause a nail to rust relatively quickly compared to freshwater, usually within a few hours to a day, due to the high concentration of ions in the saltwater which accelerates the oxidation process on the metal surface.

How long would it take nail polish remover to kill you if you drank it?

Nail polish remover contains chemicals like acetone and ethanol, which can be extremely toxic if ingested. Drinking nail polish remover can cause serious health issues such as organ damage, respiratory failure, and even death. It is crucial to seek immediate medical help if someone ingests nail polish remover. The time it would take to cause death can vary depending on factors like the amount ingested and the individual's health condition.

How do you get pink nail polish out of clothes?

To remove pink nail polish from clothes, first let the nail polish dry completely. Then, scrape off as much of the dried nail polish as you can with a blunt edge. Next, apply a stain remover or nail polish remover onto the stain and gently dab with a clean cloth until the stain is gone. Launder the clothing as usual after the stain has been removed.

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What nail polish color dries the fastest?

Black nail polish dries the fastest

What water would rust a nail the fastest?

Salt Water!

Why would orange juice rust a nail the fastest?

because of the citric acid

What muscle are worn out the fastest?

your finger nail

Which would rust nails the fastest nail polish salt water or tomato paste?

It could be tomato paste, salt water, or nail polish because of the acids

What gas causes a nail to rust fastest?


What is the fastest growing nail on your hand?

Middle finger

What finger boost's the fastest growing nail?

your middle finger

Which water rusts an iron nail the fastest?

Salt water.

What kind of test is it when you scratch a mineral with a nail?

Most likely you would be testing to see if the mineral was harder or softer than the nail.

Why does nail polish remover evaporate the fastest?

Because it's more volatile than whatever else you were testing. Which basically means "it evaporates the fastest", so that's not all that helpful. Without knowing specifically what you're comparing it to or what kind of nail polish remover it is it's hard to be certain, but many nail polish removers are based on acetone, which has a fairly low boiling point and a fairly high vapor pressure at "room temperature".