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Oxygen undergoes fusion reactions in the cores of massive stars, where it can fuse into heavier elements. Oxygen does not undergo fission reactions naturally.

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Q: What kind of reaction does oxygen undergo fusion or fission?
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What is produced when hydrogen and oxygen react?

Hydrogen and oxygen undergo combination reaction to form water.When hydrogen and oxygen react together, water is formed.

What type of reaction involves oxygen and produces light and heat decomposition reaction double replacement reaction combustion reaction or combination reation?

The type of reaction that involves oxygen and produces light and heat is a combustion reaction.

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The most common sun reaction that happens in the sun is the hydrogen fusion. Other fusions like complex fusions among nuclei of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms also produce energy in the sun.

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No, gasoline requires oxygen to ignite and burn. Without oxygen, gasoline cannot undergo the combustion reaction necessary for an explosion.

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The proton-proton chain accounts for more than 98% of the fusion reactions in our Sun. The balance in the carbon-nitrogen-oxygen catalytic chain reaction.

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Formaldehye is H2C=O and has a double bond. The Carbon-oxygen bond is slightly polar and the carbon has partial positive charge and oxygen slightly negative charge. Hence formaldehyde will undergo nucleophilic addition addition reaction across the C=O.

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Oxygen is typically needed for a substance to burn. It combines with the fuel to undergo a chemical reaction that produces heat and light.

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Oxygen is the reactant needed for cellular respiration that is absent from the fermentation reaction. In the absence of oxygen, some organisms, like yeast, undergo fermentation to produce energy in the form of ATP.

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Oxygen and glucose undergo a process called cellular respiration, where glucose is broken down in the presence of oxygen to produce energy, carbon dioxide, and water. This reaction releases ATP, which provides energy for the cell to carry out its functions.

What compound can undergo decomposition to produce lithium chloride and oxygen?

Lithium perchlorate (LiClO4) can undergo decomposition to produce lithium chloride (LiCl) and oxygen (O2). The decomposition reaction is as follows: 2LiClO4 -> 2LiCl + 3O2.

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photosynthesis is the reaction that takes place in which plants turn CO2 and water (H20) in the presence of sunlight into glucose (C6H1206) and oxygen

What type of nuclei would most likely undergo fusion?

Hydrogen nuclei, specifically isotopes of hydrogen such as deuterium and tritium, are most likely to undergo fusion reactions due to their relatively low positive charge and high kinetic energy. These nuclei can fuse together to form helium in the process known as nuclear fusion.