Water and oil do not mix together when stirred because they are immiscible. This is due to their different polarities - water is polar while oil is nonpolar. Instead, they separate into distinct layers, with water sinking to the bottom and oil floating on top due to differences in density.
She stirred the soup slowly, watching as the ingredients blended together perfectly.
No, oil does not contain water. Oil and water are immiscible, meaning they do not mix together. Oil is a hydrophobic substance, which means it repels water.
When oil and water are mixed together, the oil rises to the top because it is less dense than water. Oil and water do not mix well due to differences in their chemical properties, resulting in the oil forming a separate layer on top of the water.
Oil is less dense than water because its molecules are larger and do not pack as tightly together as the molecules in water. This lower density causes oil to float on top of water when the two are mixed together.
When sugar is put into cold water and stirred, it will dissolve. The sugar molecules will disperse and mix evenly with the water molecules to form a sugar solution.
If you stirred water and sand together, you would have a mixture of water and sand until the sand sinks to the bottom.
Oil and water do not mix, however, when they are stirred or mixed thoroughly the particles of oil will become too small to see.
it becomes a soap
Oil is usually lighter (lower density) than water.
they will separate
To smoothly mix up the ingredients. water is stirred into the mix.
She stirred the soup slowly, watching as the ingredients blended together perfectly.
Oil and water can't mix. They won't go together. The oil with just sit it the water or on top of the oil the water.
When water and baking soda are stirred together, bubbles will form. These bubbles are carbon dioxide.
No, oil does not contain water. Oil and water are immiscible, meaning they do not mix together. Oil is a hydrophobic substance, which means it repels water.
White smoke does not come from oil, white smoke means that there is water burning. Not good news as that is usually indictive of a head gasket failure. When you poured the oil in you just stirred up the water. Oil smoke is blue.
oil and water never mix together. water is heavier than oil. so,oil float on the water.