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The rheochor value for chloroform is approximately 44.6 nm². This value indicates how strongly a substance interacts with a solvent or dispersant.

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Q: What is the value of rheochor for chloroform?
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What is the colorific value of chloroform?

Chloroform is a clear, colorless liquid.

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What is parachor value of chloroform?

The parachor value of chloroform is approximately 79 cal/cm³. Parachor is a measure of the ability of a substance to spread over the surface of another substance. In the case of chloroform, its parachor value reflects its molecular structure and interactions with other substances.

What is the pKa value of chloroform?

The pKa value of chloroform is around 15.4. Chloroform is a weak acid, meaning it only partially dissociates in water to form its conjugate base, the chloride ion, and a proton.

What is the value of distribution coefficient of iodine between water and chloroform?

The distribution coefficient of iodine between water and chloroform is approximately 35. This means that iodine is more soluble in chloroform than in water.

Difference between parachor and rheochor?

parachor is depend on the surface tention of the liquid and its molar volume rheocor is depend upoun the viscosity of a liquid . both are additive and constiitutive property.

What is the value of enthalphy of heat of solution of chloroform in acetone?

Yes they soluble together. But they are nor reacting.

What is the specific heat of chloroform?

The specific heat of chloroform is approximately 0.97 J/g°C. This value indicates the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of chloroform by 1°C.

What is Enthalpy of formation of chloroform?

The standard enthalpy of formation of chloroform (CHCl3) is -68.3 kJ/mol at 25°C. This value represents the heat released when one mole of chloroform is formed from its elements in their standard states.

What is the difference between chloroform and chloroform water?

Chloroform is a colorless liquid with a sweet odor used as a solvent, while chloroform water is a solution in which chloroform is mixed with water. Chloroform water is a mixture of chloroform and water, typically used in laboratory settings for certain chemical reactions.

What was invented first ether or chloroform?
