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Hydrogen is the simplest element, and its name means 'water generator'. It has a couple of other isotopes, deuterium, and tritium.

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3mo ago

One special chemical property of hydrogen is its ability to form covalent bonds with other elements, resulting in a wide range of compounds. This property allows hydrogen to participate in various chemical reactions and contribute to the diversity of substances found in nature.

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Is hydrogen chemical or physical property?

Hydrogen is neither a chemical or physical is a chemical element.

Is hydrogen a chemical or physical property?

Hydrogen is a chemical property because it is a pure substance and it cannot be broken down into simpler substances by physical means. It is the simplest and most abundant chemical element in the universe.

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The reaction of sodium metal with water to produce hydrogen gas is a chemical property. This is because a new substance (hydrogen gas) is formed as a result of a chemical reaction between sodium and water.

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The observation that hydrogen chloride is a gas at room temperature is a PHYSICAL property.

Is oxidation chemical property?

Yes. oxidation is chemical property. It includes addition of oxygen or removal of hydrogen

Is burning hydrogen a chemical property?

Burning hydrogen is a chemical change rather than a chemical property. A chemical change involves the formation of new substances with different chemical compositions, as in the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen to form water. A chemical property, on the other hand, describes how a substance can undergo a chemical change.

What is a chemical property of the element hydrogen?

One chemical property of hydrogen is its ability to react with oxygen to form water. Hydrogen also exhibits the property of being highly flammable when exposed to air or an oxygen-containing atmosphere.

Hydrogen can explode when ignited in air is physical property?

Yes, the fact that hydrogen can explode when ignited in air is a chemical property. It is a characteristic of hydrogen's reactivity with oxygen that results in a combustion reaction, producing energy in the form of heat and light.

Is something that displaces hydrogen from water a chemical or physical property?

it is a physical property(electricity).

What chemical property is shown when hydrogen maeks a slpint ignite?

The chemical property being shown in this scenario is the flammability of hydrogen gas. Hydrogen is highly flammable and can ignite easily when exposed to a spark or flame.

What is the chemical property for hydrogen gas?

1.Action with litmus