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Glycine intracts with one mole of Bezoyl chloride in the presence of 10% (w/v) solution to yield hippuric acid with the elimination of one mole of hydrochloric acid. The excess of 10% NaOH solution serves two purposes, first; to remove unreacted benzoyl chloride. The NaOH solution hydrolyses the excess of benzoyl chloride present in reaction mixture, thereby resulting in formation of sodium chloride and sodium benzoate, which being water soluble remains in solution. Secondly the hydrochloric acid eliminated reacts with NaOH to yield NaCl. Both sodium benzoate and sodium chloride are water soluble, whereas the desired product hippuric acid being insoluble may be separated easily.

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4mo ago

Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is used in the formation of hippuric acid to hydrolyze the benzoyl glycine, converting it into benzoic acid and glycine. This reaction is part of the synthesis process for hippuric acid, where the benzoyl group is transferred from benzoyl chloride to glycine.

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What produced the sulfuric acid that helped form the Lechugilla caves?

The sulfuric acid in the Lechugilla caves was produced through the oxidation of hydrogen sulfide gas. Bacteria in the cave environment catalyzed this process, leading to the formation of sulfuric acid that played a key role in sculpting the cave passages.

What is formed as rainwater reacts to carbon dioxide in the soil?

Carbonic acid is formed when rainwater reacts with carbon dioxide in the soil. This weak acid plays a role in the chemical weathering of rocks and minerals. Over time, carbonic acid can contribute to the formation of caves, sinkholes, and other geological features.

The acid form of CO2 plus H2O?

The acid form of CO2 plus H2O is carbonic acid (H2CO3). It is formed when carbon dioxide reacts with water, leading to the formation of a weak acid that can further dissociate into bicarbonate ions (HCO3-) and hydrogen ions (H+). Carbonic acid plays a crucial role in regulating the pH of various systems, including the blood in our bodies.

What is the Role of glacial acetic acid and sodium acetate in glucosazone formation?

Glacial acetic acid provides the acidic conditions required for the reaction to proceed, while sodium acetate acts as a buffer to maintain a stable pH during the formation of glucosazone from glucose and phenylhydrazine. Together, they help facilitate the conversion of glucose to glucosazone by providing the necessary environment for the reaction to occur efficiently and yield accurate results.

When did oxygen get its name?

The name "oxygen" was coined in the 18th century by the French chemist Antoine Lavoisier. It is derived from the Greek words "oxys" (acid) and "genes" (forming), reflecting its role in the formation of acids.

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