The main characters from "Tracy Beaker" and "The Dumping Ground" series are portrayed by Dani Harmer (Tracy Beaker), Nia Jermin (Justine Littlewood), Montanna Thompson (Justine's best friend, Carmen Howle), Chelsie Padley (Louise Govern), Ben Hanson (Bouncer Plakova), Connor Byrne (Duke Ellington), Lisa Coleman (Camilla Lawson), Ciaran Joyce (Charlie Ellis), Luke Youngblood (Ben Batambuze), Joe Starrs (Maxy King), Craig Roberts (Rio Wellard), Elliott Kerley (Ben 'Benny' Hutton), Hollie Chapman (Adele Azupadi) and Charlotte Francis (Elaine Boyak).
ermm no mia mckenna isent real sister to jhonny . only in tracy beaker returns they are
Tracy Beaker's Real Name Is Dani Harmer harrys real name is phillip graham scott and liams name is richard wisker carmen is amy-leigh hickman tees real name is mia mcenna bruce lily kettle is called jessie williams frank matthews is called chris slater
They are Nathan, Caleb, Matthew, and Jared Followill. Nathan, Caleb, and Jared are brother and Matthew is their cousin. These names are the names that they go by but they are their middle names. There reall names are Ivan Nathan, Anthony Caleb, Cameron Matthew, and Michael Jared.
no but they take risks .
I mast have acc. No.cb45555554 i need i know that's really or not
I reall do not know
she is real
MY friend's acc