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The process you are referring to is called metabolism. Metabolism involves the breakdown of complex molecules to release energy (catabolism) and the synthesis of new molecules for growth and repair (anabolism). These processes collectively regulate the energy balance in an organism.

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Q: What is the process in which some substances are broken down to yield energy while other substances are synthesized?
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What is the process that releases energy to convert substances to simpler products?

The process that releases energy to convert substances to simpler products is called catabolism. During catabolism, complex molecules are broken down into simpler molecules, releasing energy in the process which can be used by the cell for various metabolic functions.

Which substances provides humans with the main source of energy?

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for humans. They are broken down by the body into glucose, which is then used by cells to produce energy through a process called cellular respiration.

What is it called when a mineral breaks down and releases energy?

When a mineral breaks down and releases energy, it is known as a chemical reaction or a chemical process. This process may involve the release of heat, light, or other forms of energy as bonds are broken and new substances are formed.

How is energy stored in substances?

Energy can be stored in substances through chemical bonds, such as in the form of potential energy. When substances undergo chemical reactions, these bonds can be broken or formed, releasing or absorbing energy. Additionally, energy can be stored in substances in the form of kinetic energy, such as in the movement of particles within a substance.

What is the difference between synthesis and digestion?

Synthesis is the process of combining simple substances to form more complex ones, while digestion is the breakdown of complex substances into simpler ones that can be absorbed and used by cells. In synthesis, energy is usually required, whereas in digestion, energy is released as complex molecules are broken down.

Related questions

Energy is primarily when organic molecules are synthesized and when they are broken down?

Energy is required when organic molecules are synthesized because this process involves building complex molecules which requires input of energy. When organic molecules are broken down, energy is released because the breaking of bonds releases stored energy from the molecules. This energy can be used by the cell for various cellular processes.

What is the process that releases energy to convert substances to simpler products?

The process that releases energy to convert substances to simpler products is called catabolism. During catabolism, complex molecules are broken down into simpler molecules, releasing energy in the process which can be used by the cell for various metabolic functions.

Are atp bonds broken in mitochondria releasing energy for the cell?

Actually, that is a biological answer and not quite accurate. The process that really releases the energy in the final phosphate bond of ATP is called phosphorilation. This is the process of bonding that phosphate to another molecule and that is the energy released. In the mitochondria ATP is synthesized by the process of oxidative phosphorilation from, ultimately, glucose being broken down.

The energy in petroleum and coal is stored as what energy?

The energy in petroleum and coal is stored as chemical energy. When these substances are burned, the chemical bonds are broken, releasing heat energy in the process.

What is the process that release energy to convert substances to simpler products?

catabolism is the process that releases energy to convert substances to simpler products

Which substances provides humans with the main source of energy?

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for humans. They are broken down by the body into glucose, which is then used by cells to produce energy through a process called cellular respiration.

What is it called when a mineral breaks down and releases energy?

When a mineral breaks down and releases energy, it is known as a chemical reaction or a chemical process. This process may involve the release of heat, light, or other forms of energy as bonds are broken and new substances are formed.

What substances is made from the energy that comes from broken carbohydrates bonds?


What is chemical energy and how is energy released?

chemical energy is energy found in substances. energy is never lost or gained (remember that) . you can measure the energy and release energy by heating substances. This way energy is released when the compounds heated are broken down.

What is a breakdown of substances into simpler molecules called?

The breakdown of substances into simpler molecules is called catabolism. During catabolism, larger molecules are broken down into smaller ones, releasing energy in the process.

What happens when a biological organic compound such as proteins and carbohydrates are broken down or synthesized?

They are broken down into simpler molecules by the digestive system so they can be absorbed into the bloodstream.

The process that uses light energy to make new substances that have chemical energy?
