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Okay to calculate this, you must first calculate the number of moles KOH forms in water. This is simply done by dividing mass by the molecular mass.

Therefore: 0.140 / (19+16+1)

Then, you need to know how KOH dissociates in water, which is luckily 1:1. Therefore, the number of moles of OH is also 0.140 / (19+16+1).

Then you find the concentration of OH, which is number of moles divided by the volume (do it in litres): (0.140 / (19+16+1))/0.25

Then, you find the pOH. This would be -log ((0.140 / (19+16+1))/0.25)

Then, you get this answer and minus if from 14: 14-(-log ((0.140 / (19+16+1))/0.25))

Make sure you actually do these steps as remember every problem is different so you need to know the process, not the answer.

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3mo ago

The first step is to calculate the molarity of the KOH solution. Convert 0.140 g of KOH to moles and then determine the molarity. Since KOH is a strong base, it will fully dissociate in water to form KOH, resulting in a 1:1 ratio of KOH to OH-. Using the concentration of OH- ions, you can then convert it to pOH and then to pH. The pH of the solution will be basic due to the presence of KOH.

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Q: What is the pH of a solution prepared by dissolving 0.140 g KOH in sufficient water to prepare 250.0 ml of solution?
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