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The pH of a 1.45M HNO3 solution is approximately 0.14. This is because nitric acid is a strong acid that dissociates completely in water to yield H+ ions.

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Q: What is the pH of a 1.45M HNO3 solution?
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What is the pH of a 0.6 M HNO3 solution?

The pH of a 0.6 M HNO3 solution is approximately 0.23. This is because nitric acid is a strong acid that completely ionizes in solution, resulting in a high concentration of H+ ions that lower the pH.

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Since HNO3 is a strong acid, it completely dissociates in solution. HNO3 -> H+ + NO3-. Therefore, the concentration of H+ ions is the same as the concentration of the HNO3 solution, 0.0067M. pH = -log[H+] = -log(0.0067) ≈ 2.18. pOH = 14 - pH ≈ 11.82.

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The pH of a 0.01 M solution of HNO3 would be around 2. Negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration (10^-2) will give a pH value of 2 for the solution.

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The pH of a 1.6x10^-3 M HNO3 solution is approximately 2.8. This is calculated by taking the negative logarithm (base 10) of the concentration of the hydrogen ions in the solution.

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The concentration of HNO3 in a solution with pH 3.4 is approximately 3.98 x 10^-4 M. This is calculated using the formula pH = -log[H+], where [H+] is the hydrogen ion concentration in mol/L. For nitric acid (HNO3), one mole of HNO3 produces one mole of H+ in solution.

What is the pH of 15 mL of 0.0045 M HNO3?

pH = - log10 [H+], where [H+] is the molar concentration of hydrogen ions. HNO3 is a strong acid and dissociates completely in water so a 5 M solution of HNO3 would have a concentration of hydrogen ions of 5M also. So, pH = -log10[5] = -0.699 which indicates an extremely strong acid.

What is the pH of 2M HNO3?

The pH of a 2M HNO3 solution is approximately 0. This is because nitric acid (HNO3) is a strong acid that fully dissociates in water to release H+ ions, resulting in a highly acidic solution with a low pH value.

What is the pH of a solution that contains 1.32 grams of nitric acid dissolved in 750 milliters of water?

To calculate the pH of the solution, you first need to determine the concentration of nitric acid in moles per liter. Then you can calculate the pH using the formula for pH: pH = -log[H+]. Given the amount of nitric acid and volume of water, you can find the pH.

If hno3 is added to water how does pH- change?

Adding HNO3 to water will decrease the pH. This is because HNO3 is a strong acid that will dissociate in water to form H+ ions, which increase the concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution, lowering the pH.

What is hydrogen ion concentration of 0.5 HNO3?

A 0.5 M solution of HNO3 will have a hydrogen ion concentration of 0.5 moles per liter. This is because each molecule of HNO3 ionizes to produce one hydrogen ion in solution.

What will the pH of 250.0ml of aqueous containing 12.6g nitric acid?

To determine the pH of the solution, you would first need to calculate the concentration of nitric acid (HNO3) in the solution using the given mass and volume. Then, you would need to consider the dissociation of HNO3 and the resulting H+ concentration to calculate the pH of the solution using the formula pH = -log[H+].

What would be pH of a 0.00884 M solution of HNO3?

HNO3 is a strong acid, which means it dissociates completely. This means you don't have to set up an equilibrium scenario; you can just go with the given molarity as also being the concentration of hydrogen ions [H+]. So, pH = -log(0.00884), which is about 2.05.