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The pH of hydrogen fluoride (HF) is around 3.17. It is considered a weak acid in solution, a property that affects its pH level.

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Q: What is the pH of Hf?
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What is the pH of a 0.5 M HF solution?

The pH of a 0.5 M HF solution is around 2.13. HF is a weak acid, so it partially dissociates in water to produce H+ ions, resulting in an acidic solution.

What is the effect of adding NaF to a aqueous HF solution-a pH increases b h30 increases c hf increases?

c. The addition of NaF to an aqueous HF solution will increase the concentration of HF. This is because NaF will react with HF to form NaHF2, which increases the amount of HF present in the solution.

What is the pH level of 0.0005 M HF solution?

The pH of a 0.0005 M HF (hydrofluoric acid) solution can be calculated using the formula: pH = -log[H+]. First, determine the concentration of H+ ions produced by HF dissociation and then calculate the negative logarithm of that concentration to find the pH.

PH value of hydrofloric acid?

The pH value of hydrofluoric acid (HF) is around 3.27 at a concentration of 1M. HF is a weak acid and can dissociate partially in water to release hydronium ions, leading to its acidic nature.

How many moles of HF Ka6.8104 must be present in 0.220dm3 to form a solution with a pH of 2.60?

An 0.010 M HF solution gives pH = 2.6, so 0.0022 molesare present in 0.22 L

What is the pH of Hydrogen flouride?

The pH of hydrogen fluoride (HF) is around 3.2 in a 1M solution. HF is a weak acid that partially dissociates in water, resulting in the release of protons and lowering the pH of the solution.

At equilibrium a solution of hf has a pH of 5.4 if hf 1.2 x 10-6 and f- 3.5 x 10-6 what is the value of ka for hf at this temperature?

To find the Ka value for HF, we can use the equation for the dissociation of HF into H⁺ and F⁻ ions: HF ⇌ H⁺ + F⁻. First, calculate the initial concentration of HF using the given pH. Then, determine the concentrations of H⁺ and F⁻ ions at equilibrium. Finally, use these concentrations to calculate the Ka value using the equation Ka = [H⁺][F⁻] / [HF].

What is chemical equation when a strong acid is added to a buffer solution containing NaF and HF?

When a strong acid is added to a buffer solution containing NaF and HF, the strong acid will react with the weak base (F-) to form HF. The buffer solution will resist changes in pH by the common ion effect, maintaining the solution's acidity around the initial pH of the buffer. The chemical equation can be written as H+ + F- ↔ HF.

At equilibrium a solution of hf has a pH of 4.1 if hf equals 1.4 x 10-4 and f equals 6.0 x 10-5 what is the value of ka for hf at this temperature?

apexvs answer 3.4 x 10-5

What is the pH of 0.89 M NaF?

First recognize that NaF is the salt of a strong base (NaOH) and a weak acid (HF), so the pH will be alkaline. Next, look at the hydrolysis of NaF: NaF + H2O ---> NaOH + HF, or looking at it another way.... F^- + H2O ---> HF + OH- and here F^- acts as a base, so we need the Kb for NaF and that will be the inverse of the Ka for HF. The Ka for HF is 6.6x10^-4, so Kb = 1x10^-14/6.6x10^-4 = 1.5x10^-11. Now, Kb = [HF][OH-]/[F-] = (x)(x)/(0.89) = 1.5x10^-11 x^2 = 1.3x10^-11 x = 3.6x10^-6 = [OH-] pOH = -log 3.6x10^-6 = 5.44 pH = 8.6 (note the pH is alkaline, as expected)

At a certain temperature a 0.25 M solution of HF has a pH of 2.3 What is the Ka of HF at this temperature?

To find the Ka of HF at this temperature, you can use the formula pH = pKa + log([A-]/[HA]). Since HF is a weak acid, [A-] is equal to [H+], so you can substitute [H+] for [A-] in the formula. Rearrange the formula to solve for pKa. Then convert pKa to Ka using the relationship: Ka = 10^(-pKa).

What determine the strength of acid?

For normal acids, pH is most accurate. For hydrofluoric acid, pH is NOT a good indicator--a 1-percent HF solution has a lower pH than a 50-percent solution does, and a 10-percent HF solution has the highest pH of all. The range is from 3.1 (for a 1-percent solution) to 4.5 (for a 10-percent solution). HF is considered a weak acid--not all the HF molecules dissociate when the HF gas is put into water--but it's the most corrosive acid around.