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Hydragyrum. (Hg) . It is from Latin and means 'Silver Water'.

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16y ago

Mercury used to be called quicksilver, and also hydrargyrum, meaning watery or liquid silver, which is where it gets its chemical symbol Hg from.

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15y ago

Hydrargyrum, hence it's symbol Hg.

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15y ago

Answer: Hermes (Anc. Greek).

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Q: What is the old name for Mercury the metal?
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Which planet shares its name with a metal?

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Yes, liquid metal is originally called hydragyrum, which means "liquid silver" in Greek. It is more commonly known as mercury and is the only metal that is in liquid form at room temperature.

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Mercury is a liquid metal at room temperature, while bromine is a liquid non-metal.

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The name of the metal that forms an amalgam with other metals is mercury. Mercury can form alloys, known as amalgams, with many metals such as gold, silver, and tin.

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Is a metal originally called hydragyrum?

This is Mercury, Hg. The chemical symbol reflects the old greek name which means silver water. Quite a pretty name I think.