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3mo ago

The most probable type of molecule in laundry detergents are surfactants, specifically anionic surfactants like sulfates or sulfonates. These molecules help to break up grease and dirt on fabrics by lowering the surface tension of water, allowing it to penetrate and lift stains more effectively.

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Q: What is the most probable type of molecule in laundry detergents?
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What are two types of detergent molecule?

The most probable type of a molecules in the detergents is the hydrocarbon molecules and the sodium molecules. The sodium molecules binds to water while the hydrocarbon molecule binds to grease.

Is it true most laundry detergents are alive?

No, laundry detergents are not alive. They are inanimate products made up of chemical compounds that help in cleaning clothes by removing dirt and stains.

What mineral is used in laundry detergents?

The most common mineral which is used in laundry detergent are phosphates. This is used in detergents to remove hard water minerals in clothing.

Where is Purex laundry detergents sold in America?

Purex laundry detergents are sold in most supermarkets and large stores in America. These stores include Target, Walmart, as well as online retailers such as Amazon.

Most liquid laundry detergents are alive?

Liquid laundry detergents are not alive. They are chemical solutions composed of cleaning agents, surfactants, enzymes, and other ingredients designed to clean clothes effectively. While they can interact with water and dirt to remove stains, they do not possess the characteristics of living organisms such as growth, reproduction, or response to stimuli.

Do detergents have bleach?

Not all detergents contain bleach. Bleach is a separate ingredient that is typically found in laundry detergents labeled as "bleach-based" or "bleach alternative". Bleach is used to help whiten and disinfect laundry.

Is there a laundry powder that does not contain detergents?

Most laundry powders contain detergents as their main cleaning agents. However, there are some natural alternatives available, such as soap nuts or soap berries, which do not contain synthetic detergents. These natural alternatives can be a more eco-friendly option for washing clothes.

Is there a laundry detergent has a pH level lower than 10?

Yes, most laundry detergents have a pH level below 10. Laundry detergents are typically formulated to have a pH level around 7-9 to be effective in removing dirt and stains from fabrics without causing damage.

Is laundry detergent acid base or neutral?

Most laundry detergents are considered to be slightly basic (alkaline) due to the presence of ingredients such as surfactants and builders. These components help in the cleaning process by breaking down oils and dirt effectively.

Why is most laundry detergents a base?

Most laundry detergents are basic (alkaline) because basic solutions are effective at breaking down and removing fatty or oily stains on clothes. The alkaline pH helps to emulsify oils and grease, making them easier to lift off fabric fibers.

Is laundry detergent flammable?

Most laundry detergents are not flammable under normal conditions of use. However, some detergents may contain ingredients that could be flammable, so it is important to read the product label and use it according to the manufacturer's instructions.

What is in all laundry detergent?

Most laundry detergents contain surfactants, enzymes, bleaches or bleach alternatives, fragrance, and builders to help remove dirt and stains. Some detergents may also contain preservatives and dyes.