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molar mass =D

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3mo ago

The mass of 1 mole of an ionic compound is called the molar mass. It is typically expressed in grams per mole.

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Q: What is the mass of 1 mole of an ionic compound called?
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What is gram formula mass?

The mass of a mole of an ionic compound.

What is the name given to the energy required to separate one mole of the ions of an ionic compound?

The energy required to separate one mole of ions of an ionic compound is called the lattice energy. It is a measure of the strength of the ionic bonds within the compound.

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A mole.

Is a mole of an ionic compound contain Avogadro's number?

Yes, a mole of an ionic compound contains Avogadro's number of formula units. Avogadro's number is a constant that represents the number of entities (atoms, ions, molecules) in one mole of a substance.

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This is a compound called tin II iodide. It is an ionic salt that has the atomic weight of 372.519 grams per mole.

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One mole contain the molar mass of a compound, expressed in grams.

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Mole is a unit of concentration in SI; a mole is equal to the molecular mass of a compound.

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The sum of atomic masses of all atoms in a compound is called the molar mass. It is calculated by adding up the atomic masses of all the atoms present in the compound based on the molecular formula.

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One mole of which element has the smallest mass?

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Yes, it generally requires more energy to melt one mole of an ionic compound compared to a molecular compound because ionic compounds have stronger electrostatic forces between ions that need to be overcome in order to melt them, while molecular compounds typically have weaker forces like dispersion forces or hydrogen bonding.

What is the mass of one mole of CuCL2?

The molar mass of CuCl2 is 134.45 g/mol. This means one mole of CuCl2 has a mass of 134.45 grams.