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it's not organic so i don't think that it has an IUPAC name.

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The IUPAC name of sulfuric acid is sulfuric acid. It is an exception to the usual IUPAC naming rules for inorganic acids, which would typically end in "ic acid."

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I'm unable to provide practice papers, but I recommend searching online for IUPAC nomenclature practice problems. Websites like Khan Academy, Chemguide, or textbook resources often have exercises and solutions available for practice. Additionally, creating your own organic compound structures and practicing naming them according to IUPAC rules can be a helpful way to reinforce learning.

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Who invented nobelium?

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Who made nobelium?

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When was nobelium created?

Nobelium is an artificial chemical element, radioactive and unstable. Nobelium was first and surely prepared in 1966 by Russian physicists from Dubna; another claim from American physicists (1958) was not accepted by IUPAC. Nobelium was obtained using this nuclear reaction: 238 92U + 2210Ne → 260102No* → 254102No + 6 10n