Purple is not a primary color. It is a secondary color made by mixing red and blue.
Mixing red and orange will result in a color that is a combination of the two, which is a red-orange color.
Mixing red and orange creates a shade of red-orange. This is because orange is made by mixing red and yellow, so adding more red to it intensifies the overall color towards red.
the opposite colour to red on the colour wheel is in fact and truely green.
The primary colors that can be mixed to create red are magenta and yellow.
The function keys on the BBC Microcomputer were coloured red.
Red is the colour for communism.
The colour of the gullet is red as our blood is red in colour.
Blood red is a vivid deep red colour, similar to the colour of blood.
Colour is a property that is not a periodic function.
In Britain, the colour red was a royal colour and as the top of the two houses, the Senate was made red.
Louis favourite colour is red last I heard :)
Red and green
The colour wine has more than a tint of red; it is the colour of a dark red wine.