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CALL 911 quick and don't touch it because then it will get infected

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4mo ago

The first step in treating a chemical burn of the skin is to remove any contaminated clothing or jewelry and rinse the affected area with cool running water for at least 20 minutes. This helps to flush out the chemical and stop further damage to the skin.

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Q: What is the first step in treating a chemical burn of the skin?
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What should you Do for skin burn from sodium hydroxide?

If you have a skin burn from sodium hydroxide, immediately rinse the area with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes to wash away the chemical. Do not apply any creams or oils. Seek medical attention if the burn is severe or covers a large area of skin.

What is the treatment plan for a chemical burn?

For a chemical burn, the first step is to remove any clothing or jewelry contaminated with the chemical and rinse the affected area with cool water for at least 20 minutes. Seek medical attention immediately, as some chemicals can continue to damage the skin even after removal. Do not apply any ointments or creams unless instructed by a healthcare professional.

What types of Chemical agents are man made and act rapidly burn and blister skin mucous membranes airways and gastrointestinal systems?

Vesicants, such as sulfur mustard and lewisite, are man-made chemical agents that act rapidly to burn and blister the skin, mucous membranes, airways, and gastrointestinal system. These agents can cause severe tissue damage and are considered chemical warfare agents due to their harmful effects on humans.

Can Clorox bleach burn your hands?

Yes, exposure to undiluted Clorox bleach can cause skin irritation or burns, especially if left on the skin for an extended period of time. It is important to always use protective gloves when handling bleach to prevent any skin damage.

What causes a galvanic burn?

A galvanic burn can occur when two different metals come into contact with skin, creating a flow of electric current. This current can lead to a chemical reaction that damages the skin, resulting in a burn. It is important to avoid contact with two dissimilar metals to prevent galvanic burns.

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What type of burn will you be treating if the skin is charred?

Third degree

The victims skin around burn is charred and the muscle tissue is visible in center of wound what type of burn will you be treating?

Third degree.

The victims skin around the burn is charred and the muscle tissue in the center of the wound what type of burn will you be treating?

From the sounds of that that sounds like a 3rd degree burn. Which is the most severe burn.

Why does sulfur burn human skin?

because sulfur is a very corrrosive chemical and can burn through solid rock

How can a chemical burn from an alkali affect the melanin in your skin?

Burns can be caused by extreme heat, extreme cold, chemicals, electricity, ... A first-degree burn is one that affects only the uppermost layer of the skin, ... With radiation, the melanin cells spread melanin in the skin to block ... Chemical burns can occur with the application of acids, strong alkali (such as lye), or other agents.

What type of burn is an acid burn?

An acid burn is a chemical burn; acids have free H+ ions that have a tenancy to attack and burn and sometimes dehydrate organic materials, such as your skin.

Why do blisters burn?

Yes it is a first degree burn

What is Fiona Wood famous for?

Fiona Woods is famous for inventing spray on skin for burn victims. This allows a special type of chemical to replace the burn injury with skin.

What is a burn in which only the outer layer of skin is burned?

A burn where only the outer layer of skin is affected is referred to as a first-degree burn. It is typically characterized by redness, mild swelling, and pain. First-degree burns usually heal on their own without causing scarring.

Why is it safe to put hair gel on your skin?

Because gel has a special chemical in it so the gel dousent burn of hurt your skin.

You are the first to arrive at the scene of a vehicle accident and are assessing a burn victim The victim has blisters deep redness around the burn and shiny skin You classify the injury as what burn?

Id say its a 999/911 type. Stop being a fanny and ring for the ambulance and seek professional aid. All burns need treating

What do you do if you get bleach on you?

Wash with soap and water and you'll be fine. If you leave it on your skin, you could get a chemical burn.