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SO2(g) + NO2(g) ==> SO3(g) + NO(g)Keq = [SO3][NO]/[SO2][NO2]

Without knowing concentrations, one cannot calculate the actual value of Keq.

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Alvah Stokes

Lvl 13
2y ago
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Florine Wiza

Lvl 13
2y ago

Keq=[SO3][SO2] /[SO2][NO2]

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3mo ago

The equilibrium constant for the reaction SO2 (g) + NO2 (g) ⇌ SO3 (g) + NO (g) would be expressed as Kc = [SO3][NO]/[SO2][NO2], where the square brackets represent the molar concentrations of the respective species at equilibrium.

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Q: What is the equilibrium constant for the reaction so2 (g) no2 (g) so3 (g) no (g)?
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What is the equilibrium constant for the reaction SO2(g) plus NO2(g) --- SO3(g) plus NO(g)?

The equilibrium constant for the reaction SO2(g) + NO2(g) ⇌ SO3(g) + NO(g) is given by the expression Kc = [SO3][NO]/[SO2][NO2], where square brackets denote molar concentrations. The numerical value of this equilibrium constant would depend on the specific conditions of the reaction.

What is the equilibrium constant for the reaction SO2 plus NO2--SO3 plus NO?

SO2(g) + NO2(g) ==> SO3(g) + NO(g)Keq = [SO3][NO]/[SO2][NO2] Without knowing concentrations, one cannot calculate the actual value of Keq.

What is the equilibrium constant for the reaction SO2(g) plus NO2(g) SO3(g) plus NO(g)?

SO2(g) + NO2(g) ==> SO3(g) + NO(g)Keq = [SO3][NO]/[SO2][NO2] Without knowing concentrations, one cannot calculate the actual value of Keq.

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The amount of NO and SO3 would increased.

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What would the equilibrium concentration of NO be in a gas mixture that contains 1.7 M SO3 0.070 M SO2 and 1.3 M NO2 if Keq 10.8 at those conditions?

SO3 + NO SO2 + NO21.7M + xM |=| 0.070M + 1.3MKeq = 10.8 = [SO2]*[NO2] / [SO3]*[NO] = 0.070*1.3 / 1.7*xSolving x (concentration NO at eq.) 10.8 * (1.7*x) = 0.070*1.3x = 0.0091 / 18.36 = 0.000496 = 0.00050 M = 0.50 mM

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