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Setting means the top layer is sealed. For example, if you apply nail polish and turn your finger upside down, it'll drip. This is wet. If you turn it over and it doesn't drip, but touch it and it gets a fingerprint or marked easily, it's set. If you have to scratch hard and actually attempt to ruin it, it's dry.

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3mo ago

Setting refers to the process of forming a stable structure or shape, while drying refers to the removal of moisture from a material to make it dry. Setting involves the initial stage of solidification or hardening, while drying occurs after a material has already been formed.

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What is the difference between evaporation and drying?

Evaporation is the process in which a liquid turns into a gas (vapor) at a temperature below its boiling point, whereas drying is the removal of moisture from a solid or liquid through various methods such as air or heat. Evaporation typically occurs at the surface of a liquid, while drying can involve the removal of moisture from the interior of a material.

What is the difference between drying agents and dehydration agents?

Drying agents are substances used to remove moisture or water content from a material or environment, while dehydration agents are substances that remove water molecules directly from compounds or tissues. Drying agents are commonly used in desiccants for packaging and preservation, while dehydration agents are often used in chemical reactions or medical procedures to remove water from a specific area.

Why does swirling or shaking a solution and its drying agent hasten the drying process?

Swirling or shaking a solution with a drying agent increases the surface area of contact between the solution and the drying agent, enhancing evaporation. This helps to remove moisture more efficiently compared to just letting the solution sit still.

What laboratory apparatus is used for drying salts?

A desiccator is typically used for drying salts in a laboratory setting. It is a sealed container that contains a drying agent (such as silica gel) to absorb moisture from the salts.

How do you wash chinos?

To wash chinos, turn them inside out and machine wash them in cold water with a mild detergent on a gentle cycle. Avoid using bleach and opt for air-drying or tumble-drying on low heat to prevent shrinking or damage. Iron on a low setting if needed.

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What is the difference between drying and dehydration?

we can control conditions in dehydration where as in case of drying we can't.

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Setting creates a scene.

What is the difference between outdoor setting and normal setting on ringtone of cellphone?

Outdoor setting is louder.

What is the difference between setting and place?

Place is the place where it is located. Where as setting may include the time period as well.

Difference between the setting in the book and the movie of the outsiders?

there kind of the same really you should no the answer

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Black is darker.

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Depends on the temperature setting of the oven...

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The executive agreement is like setting the rules for the treaty.

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On will turn the fan or blower on continuously and auto setting will kick off and on according to the temperature setting on the thermostat.

Which bonds are affected during blow drying and setting?

Hydrogen bonds in the hair are temporarily broken by heat during blow drying and setting. When the hair cools down, the hydrogen bonds reform in the new shape, helping to set the hair in the desired style.