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9mo ago

A bolus is a round mass of food formed in the mouth during the process of chewing and ready to be swallowed, whereas chyme is a semi-fluid mass of partly digested food that moves from the stomach to the small intestine for further digestion and nutrient absorption. Chyme is created by mixing food with stomach acids and digestive enzymes.

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Q: What is the difference between a bolus and chyme?
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How is a chyme formed?

Chyme is formed in the stomach through the mixing of partially digested food with stomach acid and digestive enzymes. This semi-liquid mixture then passes into the small intestine for further digestion and absorption of nutrients.

What is the Difference between bolus injection and bolus infusion?

A bolus injection is a single, rapid administration of a medication or fluid directly into the bloodstream. On the other hand, a bolus infusion involves administering a larger volume of medication or fluid over a short period, usually within minutes, to achieve a desired therapeutic effect. In summary, bolus injection is quick and immediate, while bolus infusion is more gradual but still delivered rapidly.

What changes the pH of chyme as it enters the duodenum?

The duodenum releases bicarbonate-rich pancreatic juice to neutralize the acidic chyme coming from the stomach. This helps raise the pH of the chyme in preparation for digestion by enzymes in the small intestine.

As chyme moves through the duodenum does it become more acidic or more alkaline?

When chyme first enters the duodenum from the stomach, it is acidic because of the gastric acid. Once in the duodenum, the chyme is exposed to pancreatic and brunner gland secretions which contain bicarbonate. The bicarbonate changes the pH of the chyme to neutral or slightly basic because the small intestine does not have the same protections against the hydrochloric acid as the stomach. Thus, the answer is that chyme becomes more basic as it moves through the duodenum.

The chemical that neutralizes the acidic chyme so that the lining of the duodenum is not eroded is?

The chemical that neutralizes the acidic chyme in the duodenum is bicarbonate. Bicarbonate is released by the pancreas to help neutralize the acidic chyme coming from the stomach. This helps protect the lining of the duodenum from erosion.

Related questions

What is the difference between chyme and bolus?

Bolus is the food that is mashed up in your mouth. After it is digested in the stomach, the food is called chyme. Bolus is more alkaline than chyme because it is exposed to alkaline saliva. Teeth and saliva turn food into bolus. It is then swallowed and passes through the esophagus into the stomach. Chyme has a higher acidity content than bolus because it was exposed to hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Chyme enters the small intestine after digestion in the stomach.

What is the food broken down in the stomach called?

The medical term for it is "chyme" (KIME).

A bolus is broken into a liquid called?


What is Bolus when mixed with gastric juices?


In which organ is bolus turned into chyme?

The stomach

Difference between bolus and chyme?

Bolus is a mass of chewed food mixed with saliva, ready to be swallowed, while chyme is the partially digested food that passes from the stomach into the small intestine for further digestion and absorption of nutrients.

What are some results from breakdown of bolus in the stomach?


What adds acidic juices to the bolus and mixes it?


What is bolus called after it moves out of the stomach?

Food becomes bolus after it's been chewed and swallowed. It then turns to chyme as it leaves the body. Once chyme has left from the stomach, it is then called feces.

What is the name of the liquid mass that drips into the intestines from the stomach?

Bolus. Or, perhaps chyme.

What is food called after it has been broken down into a paste?

Its called bolus

How is a chyme formed?

Chyme is formed in the stomach through the mixing of partially digested food with stomach acid and digestive enzymes. This semi-liquid mixture then passes into the small intestine for further digestion and absorption of nutrients.