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Honey has a density of

1.36 grams/ mL

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3mo ago

The density of honey typically ranges from 1.36 to 1.45 grams per cubic centimeter.

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Q: What is the density of honey?
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Is mercury denser than honey?

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What is density of honey and cotton?

The density of honey is about 1.36 g/cm^3, while the density of cotton is around 1.54 g/cm^3.

Is honey a heavier density?

Honey is 13.9 grams.

What objects will sink in honey?

well anything with a higher density than that of honey will sink. Anything with a lower density than that of honey will float.

What has the same density as honey?

Maple syrup has a similar density to honey. Both substances are viscous liquids with a density close to each other.

Is density of honey more than the density of cotton?

Yes, the density of honey is greater than the density of cotton. Honey has a higher density because it is a liquid, whereas cotton is a solid material. Honey is more compact and therefore has more mass in a given volume compared to cotton.

What is the mass of 40 ml of honey?

That would depend on the density of the honey.

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Why does a rock sink in honey?

A rock sinks in honey because honey is denser than the rock. Objects sink when they are denser than the substance they are placed in. Honey has a higher density than water, so objects that are less dense than honey will float in water but sink in honey.

Honey's density is high or low?


What item has the density as 1.36 grams?


What is density of honey as unit rate?

The density of honey is typically around 1.36 grams per cubic centimeter. This means that 1 cubic centimeter of honey weighs 1.36 grams.