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4mo ago

The density of biogas can vary depending on the composition of gases present, but on average it is around 1.2 kg/m^3 at standard conditions of temperature and pressure.

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It isn't. Fuels such as biogas store energy, they don't control it.

How do you calculate the amount of electricity from biogas?

To calculate the amount of electricity generated from biogas, you need to know the biogas production rate (measured in cubic meters per day), the biogas composition (methane content), and the efficiency of the biogas generator. You can then use these values to determine the electrical output in kilowatt-hours.

How biogas can supply farmers with energy?

Biogas can supply the farmers with the energy they need because biogas is a flammable gas that help the farmers,biogas supply farmers by the HEAT ENERGY that help the farmers to get the energy they need in planting,like sun biogas give a HEAT ENERGY that what plants needed in heat energy from the SUN.

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Biogas is none other than methane which is obtained on anaerobic decomposition of organic waste.

How biogas can supply farmers with energy they need?

by the forms of energy the biogas supply farmers with the energy they need.

What has the author Ludwig Sasse written?

Ludwig Sasse has written: 'Biogas plants' -- subject(s): Biogas

What is result of biogas?

Biogas, by itself, has no result. Any result depends on what is done with it but that has not been specified in the question.