The conversion of 1 kg to liters depends on the density of the substance. For water, 1 kg is equal to 1 liter. However, for other substances, the conversion would be different based on their density.
101.3 kPa=100 Pascals 101.3 kPa=1.00atm=760 mmHg=25.4 in Hg=14.7psi=100 Pa
1 barg stands for 1 bar gauge pressure, which is the pressure measured above atmospheric pressure. It indicates a pressure of 1 bar higher than ambient atmospheric pressure.
1 torr is equal to 0.001333 bars, so 331 tr = 0.441296 bar
Anson-units are a measurement for solar radiation that can be converted to Watts per square meter using the conversion factor of 1 Anson-unit equaling 7.9 watts per square meter.
1 bar = 10.197 m l.c.
1 psi = 0.068947572932 bar Eric Serdahl
Please note that bar is the unit of pressure and kN is the unit of Force. Direct conversion from bar to kN is not possible. 1 bar = 100 kN/m^2 or kilopascal
1 bar = 100,000 newton/square meter See related links for conversion calculator.
1 bar is 14.5038 psi. Scroll down to related links and look at "Conversion of pressure or stress units".
1 bar is equal to 14.5038 pounds per square inch (psi).
100 tons is equal to approximately 980.7 bars, assuming standard atmospheric pressure of 1 bar.
mmWG is a pressure unit. its something like mm Hg, however in mmWG, W refers to water and G refers to gauge pressure. Hence, mm WG refers to the gauge pressure in terms of milimeters of water.
The actual conversion is: 29.92 in. Hg = 1013.25 millibars . . . both numbers represent standard sea-level pressure.
To convert calories to joules, you can use the conversion factor 1 calorie = 4.184 joules. Thus, a 255 calorie snack bar would contain 1065.42 joules (255 calories * 4.184 joules/calorie).
1 atm is equal to 760 mm Hg, 760 torr, 1.01325 bar, and 101.325 kPa. These are different units of pressure that can be converted among each other using the conversion factors above.
1 foot = 304.8 millimeters Try typing conversion questions into Google - by typing "1 foot in mm" into the normal Google search bar, the built-in Google Calculator gave me the answer.