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Organic matter is composed of carbon and other elements that are essential for life. When organic matter decomposes, it releases carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere. Oxygen in the atmosphere is a byproduct of photosynthesis, where plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. Organic matter and atmospheric oxygen are interconnected through the carbon cycle, as organic matter contributes to the balance of gases in the atmosphere.

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Q: What is the connection between organic matter and atmospheric oxygen?
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Is matter organic chemical or inorganic?

Matter can be classified as either organic or inorganic. Organic matter contains carbon-hydrogen bonds and is typically derived from living organisms. Inorganic matter, on the other hand, lacks carbon-hydrogen bonds and includes minerals and elements that don't contain carbon.

Is organic matter an element mixture or compound?

Organic matter is a complex mixture of elements, primarily made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. It contains various compounds such as carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. Organic matter is not a single element, compound, or mixture, but a combination of different elements and compounds.

What is the connection between carbon dioxide and fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels are formed from ancient organic matter, which contains carbon. When fossil fuels are burned for energy, they release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This carbon dioxide is a major contributor to the greenhouse effect and global warming.

What state of matter is calcium in at atmospheric pressure?

Calcium is a solid at atmospheric presure up to the melting point of 842 0C.

What are four forms of nitrogen found in the biosphere and where are they found?

The four forms of nitrogen found in the biosphere are: atmospheric nitrogen (N2), organic nitrogen (as part of biomolecules like proteins), ammonium (NH4+), and nitrate (NO3-). Atmospheric nitrogen is found in the air, organic nitrogen is found in living organisms and decaying matter, while ammonium and nitrate are found in soil and water.

Related questions

What Does not contain organic matter?

Organic matter is made up of organic compounds, which are the remains of dead plants and animals. Theoretically, anything not made up of organic matter is inorganic. The distinction between what is inorganic and organic is heavily debated among scientist.

Where do these bacteria in the soil obtain their nitrogen?

Bacteria in the soil obtain nitrogen from various sources, such as organic matter, atmospheric nitrogen (N2), and nitrogen-fixing plants. Some bacteria can convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can use, while others break down organic matter to access nitrogen.

What is the connection between light and matter?

light can be energy and light can be consider as matter too.

Is rain organic?

Rain itself is not organic, as it is a natural phenomenon consisting of water droplets condensed from atmospheric moisture. However, rain can interact with organic matter present in the environment, such as soil and plants, as it falls to the ground.

How does soil air differ from atmospheric air?

Soil air is found in the spaces between soil particles and contains higher levels of carbon dioxide, less oxygen, and higher humidity compared to atmospheric air. Soil air is also influenced by microbial activity and organic matter decomposition, leading to fluctuations in its composition.

What is the relationship between bod and organic matter?

BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) measures the amount of oxygen required by microorganisms to decompose organic matter in water. Organic matter contributes to BOD levels as it serves as a food source for microorganisms, leading to oxygen depletion in water bodies. Therefore, higher levels of organic matter can result in increased BOD, impacting water quality and aquatic life.

What is 'organic matter' in Dutch?

'Organische stof' is a Dutch equivalent of 'organic matter'.

What is organic mater mean?

Organic matter is any living matter such as animal meat or plant matter.

Differences between soil air and atmospheric air?

Soil air has a higher concentration of Carbon Dioxide; plants feed on this and convert it into Oxygen during Osmosis, which is why there is a higher concentration of Oxygen in the atmosphere.

What is the relationship between the amount of organic matter in the soil and depth?

The amount of organic matter in the soil typically decreases with depth. In the top layers of soil, organic matter inputs from plant residues and organic materials are more abundant and decompose more rapidly, contributing to higher levels of organic matter. As you move deeper into the soil profile, organic matter content usually decreases due to microbial activity and physical processes.

What is the cycle involving the exchange of nitrogen between organisms and the atmosphere?

The nitrogen cycle involves the process of nitrogen fixation by certain bacteria converting atmospheric nitrogen into forms usable by plants, which are then consumed by animals. Decomposers break down organic matter into ammonia and return nitrogen to the soil. Denitrification by bacteria converts nitrates back to atmospheric nitrogen to complete the cycle.

In a wheelbarrow you have 2 kilos of soil If 8 percent is organic matter how many grams of organic matter do we have?

16 Grams of organic matter, solvce problem