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It is called Fusing. Or FUSION.

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The combining of atoms is called bonding. Atoms can bond together through different types of interactions, such as covalent bonds (sharing of electrons) or ionic bonds (transfer of electrons). The type of bond formed depends on the elements involved and their properties.

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Q: What is the combining of atoms called?
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What is combining nuclei of atoms to produce energy called?

Combining nuclei of atoms to produce energy is called nuclear fusion. This process releases a large amount of energy and is the same process that powers the sun and other stars.

Explain what covalent bonds are and their role in combining atoms?

Covalent bonds are formed when two atoms share one or more pairs of electrons. This sharing of electrons allows atoms to achieve a more stable electron configuration. Covalent bonds play a key role in combining atoms to form molecules by holding the atoms together in a stable arrangement.

Which substance results from combining atoms of carbon hydrogen and oxygen?

One substance that can result from combining atoms of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen is glucose, which is a type of sugar. Glucose is a vital source of energy for living organisms.

What do most atoms undergo combining in ways that cause their atoms to become more?

Atoms combine in chemical reactions to form new compounds, which can have different properties than the individual atoms. By bonding with other atoms, atoms can achieve a more stable electron configuration, often by filling their outer electron shell to reach a state of lower energy. The resulting compounds can have enhanced stability and reactivity compared to the individual atoms.

What subatomic particle is specifically responsible for combining atoms to form a new substance?

Electrons are the subatomic particles specifically responsible for combining atoms to form a new substance. They are involved in forming chemical bonds between atoms by being shared or transferred between them.

Related questions

What is one type of compound formed by atoms combining called?

A compound formed by atoms combining is called a molecule. This occurs when two or more atoms chemically bond together through sharing or transferring of electrons.

What covalent bonds are their role in combining atoms?

The covalent bonds are their role in combining atoms Is In Your Facee ;D

A nuclear reaction in which the nuclei of atoms join together is called nuclear fission.true or false?

False. Combining nuclei to form a new nucleus is called nuclear fusion. Nuclear fission is the splitting of an atomic nucleus.

The combining of atoms to form molecules or ionic compounds?

Chemical Bonding

What is A new substance formed by combining atoms of different elements?

What is an atom

What is combining nuclei of atoms to produce energy called?

Combining nuclei of atoms to produce energy is called nuclear fusion. This process releases a large amount of energy and is the same process that powers the sun and other stars.

What atoms can you get by combining oxygen and hydrogen?

If you have 1 hydrogen and 2 oxygen, you get water.

Does all the atoms in a compound stay the same?

Stay the same as....?. When combining they may share/donate electron(s) to neighbouring atoms.

Explain what covalent bonds are and their role in combining atoms?

Covalent bonds are formed when two atoms share one or more pairs of electrons. This sharing of electrons allows atoms to achieve a more stable electron configuration. Covalent bonds play a key role in combining atoms to form molecules by holding the atoms together in a stable arrangement.

What do shells (energy levels) and valence electrons have to do with atoms combining to make molecules?

Valence electrons form the bonds between atoms in a molecule.

What is combining of elements called?

compound is what it's called

Combining two or more numbers to find the sum is called?

Combining two or more numbers to find the sum is called addition.