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The gas produced is brown.

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The gas formed from combining copper and nitric acid is reddish-brown in color due to the formation of nitrogen dioxide gas, which is a reddish-brown gas.

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Q: What is the color of the gas being formed of combining copper and nitric acid?
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How does copper turn to alloy brass?

Copper turns into the alloy brass by combining it with zinc. The amount of zinc added to the copper determines the properties of the brass, such as its color and strength. The mixture is heated to high temperatures to enable the zinc to bond with the copper and form a homogenous alloy.

Is dependablity a compound word?

Yes, "dependability" is a compound word formed by combining "depend" and "ability." It refers to the quality of being trustworthy, reliable, and consistent.

What problems happens when heating copper sulfide in air?

Heating copper sulfide in air can result in the copper sulfide being oxidized to form copper oxide and sulfur dioxide gas. This process may produce toxic sulfur dioxide fumes which can be harmful if inhaled. Additionally, the copper oxide formed may have different properties compared to copper sulfide, affecting its intended applications.

How do you make pure copper?

Pure copper can be made by electrolyzing a copper sulfate solution using copper electrodes. During this electrolysis process, copper ions in the solution migrate towards the negative electrode and deposit as solid copper, resulting in pure copper being formed. It is important to use high-purity chemicals and maintain controlled conditions to ensure the purity of the final copper product.

What element is mixed with copper to make coins?

Coins are typically made by mixing copper with other metals to increase durability. For example, in the United States, coins are made by combining copper with nickel to create an alloy known as cupronickel.

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what will happen if copper metal is added to copper nitrate?

Copper metal "dissolves" in nitric acid (HNO3). Actually, the nitrate ion oxidizes the copper metal to copper (II) ion while itself being transformed to NO2 gas in the process; the copper (II) ion then binds to six water molecules.

How does copper turn to alloy brass?

Copper turns into the alloy brass by combining it with zinc. The amount of zinc added to the copper determines the properties of the brass, such as its color and strength. The mixture is heated to high temperatures to enable the zinc to bond with the copper and form a homogenous alloy.

Is dependablity a compound word?

Yes, "dependability" is a compound word formed by combining "depend" and "ability." It refers to the quality of being trustworthy, reliable, and consistent.

How many moles of oxygen combine with 5 moles of Nitrogen?

Depends on what substance is being formed. If it's nitric oxide (NO), then 5. If it's nitrogen dioxide (NO2), then 10. If nitrate (NO3), then 15.

Reaction between copper and oxygen?

When copper reacts with oxygen in the air, it forms copper oxide. This reaction results in a brownish-black layer of copper oxide being formed on the surface of the copper, giving it a dull appearance. Copper oxide is not harmful and can be easily removed by cleaning the copper surface.

What problems happens when heating copper sulfide in air?

Heating copper sulfide in air can result in the copper sulfide being oxidized to form copper oxide and sulfur dioxide gas. This process may produce toxic sulfur dioxide fumes which can be harmful if inhaled. Additionally, the copper oxide formed may have different properties compared to copper sulfide, affecting its intended applications.

What happens to the particles of copper sulphate and iron?

A displacement reaction takes place. Iron being a more reactive element than copper displaces copper from its compound. Ferrous Sulphate which is green in color and copper a reddish brown element are formed. So, blue color of copper sulphate fades away and the solution becomes light green. Copper is deposited on the grayish iron filings.

How do you make pure copper?

Pure copper can be made by electrolyzing a copper sulfate solution using copper electrodes. During this electrolysis process, copper ions in the solution migrate towards the negative electrode and deposit as solid copper, resulting in pure copper being formed. It is important to use high-purity chemicals and maintain controlled conditions to ensure the purity of the final copper product.

What element is mixed with copper to make coins?

Coins are typically made by mixing copper with other metals to increase durability. For example, in the United States, coins are made by combining copper with nickel to create an alloy known as cupronickel.

Why you use concentrated nitric acid in preparation of ammonium ferric sulphate?

Nitric acid being an oxidizing reagent help the oxidation of Fe(II) to Fe(III).

Why is copper used as a wired and copper chloride is not?

Copper chloride being a salt is not ductile.

Balance zinc plus cupric sulfate equals zinc sulfate plus copper?

The balanced chemical equation for this reaction is: Zn + CuSO4 -> ZnSO4 + Cu. This equation shows that zinc displaces copper in copper sulfate, resulting in zinc sulfate and copper being formed.