No, the color green is made by combining blue and yellow in equal parts. Mixing blue and yellow together creates the secondary color green.
Blue and yellow mix with white to create green color.
When green and red are combined, they create the color yellow. This is because red and green are additive primary colors, and when mixed together, they produce the secondary color yellow.
Mixing blue with orange will create a green color.
Blue and green mix to create the color cyan.
It is the mixture of yellow and blue, green is a secondary color.
Dark green Green color is a primary color and can't be produced from white. But white color can be made by mixing green color with other primary colors.
No, the color green is made by combining blue and yellow in equal parts. Mixing blue and yellow together creates the secondary color green.
Blue and yellow mix with white to create green color.
When green and red are combined, they create the color yellow. This is because red and green are additive primary colors, and when mixed together, they produce the secondary color yellow.
Yellow and blue.
green and blue
The color green , which is a secondary color , is made by combinding two primary colors : blue and yellow .
Mixing blue with orange will create a green color.
Fokker. Green color.
Band-aid Color!
Bluish green.