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Formation of a gas (bubbling), change of color or if it burns

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A chemical change can be identified by observing the formation of a new substance with different chemical properties than the original substances. Other signs include changes in color, gas production, temperature change, or the formation of a precipitate. Conducting tests such as pH testing or spectroscopic analysis can also confirm if a chemical change has occurred.

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Which type of service change best described as a pre-authorised change that is low risk relatively common and follows a procedure or work instruction?

A Standard Change is best described as a pre-authorized change that is low risk, relatively common, and follows a specific procedure or work instruction. Standard Changes are well-known and documented, allowing for quicker approval and implementation without the need for extensive change management process.

When do gastric acid inhibitors work best?

Gastric acid inhibitors work best when taken before a meal to prevent excess acid production in response to food intake. They are most effective when used consistently as prescribed by a healthcare provider to control symptoms of acid reflux or peptic ulcers.

Which graph best represents a change of phase from a gas to a solid?

The graph that best represents a change of phase from a gas to a solid would show a decrease in temperature over time as the gas loses energy and transitions into a solid state. The temperature remains constant during the phase change itself due to the energy being used to break intermolecular bonds rather than increase temperature.

What is the best definition of a chemical change?

A change in a substance where one or more new substances form

Which indicator would be the best to show a change from an acid to a base?

A pH indicator like litmus paper can best show a change from an acid to a base. Litmus paper is red in acidic solutions and blue in basic solutions, making it easy to visually detect the shift in pH.

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The best way to know when a physical change is taking place is to observe. There will be a visible change in physical changes.

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Banks. change pocket in your car.

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The bank or a travel shop.

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Best place to find out how much oil change prices would be for a 2001 Ford Fiesta is a website called rankingsandreviews.

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One can learn how to change oil in a car from many sources. The best place to learn how is at a Driving School. One can ask a driver instructor for instructions on changing oil in a car.

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There are many places to find loose change at home. Here is a list of areas where change is present at my home.-the washer and dryer-under couch cushions-under my dresser-in your car( best place)-any side tables

Where is the best place to change pounds into euros?

In my opinion, the best place is Marks and Spencer's - they give much better rates than the banks. This is NOT a scientifically researched answer - more of a "word on the street" one. I always change pounds to euros at M&S! I think the best place is the Co-op its even better than Marks and Spencer.

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If you are looking for a good place to find cheap oil change that does not lack in quality because your car has not had an oil change in over 6 months, then you can go to Bill's Automotive Company.

What are the best laptops for mobility?

Dell Inspiron 15R are best for mobility as they have 14" display which can be taken to every place with you. It also offers Intel's second generation processors.

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