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The balanced equation for the extraction of iron from its ore involves the reaction of iron oxide (Fe2O3) with carbon monoxide (CO) to produce iron (Fe) and carbon dioxide (CO2). The balanced chemical equation is: Fe2O3(s) + 3CO(g) → 2Fe(l) + 3CO2(g).

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Q: What is the balance equation for extraction of iron from its ore?
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What is the word equation for the extraction of iron from the ore iron oxide?

Iron oxide + carbon monoxide -> iron + carbon dioxide

What raw materials in the extraction of iron?

The raw materials used in the extraction of iron are iron ore, coke (made from coal), and limestone. Iron ore is the primary source of iron, while coke is used as a reducing agent and fuel, and limestone helps to remove impurities from the iron ore during the smelting process.

What the main ore of iron?

The main ore of iron is hematite, which is a mineral form of iron(III) oxide (Fe2O3). Hematite is a common iron ore mineral that is widely mined for the extraction of iron.

What is the function iron ore in a blast furnace?

Iron ore is used in a blast furnace as a raw material for producing iron. It is the primary source of iron, which is essential for the production of steel. The iron ore undergoes a series of chemical reactions in the blast furnace, resulting in the extraction of molten iron.

Iron can be extracted from its ore using carbon. What type of reaction is this?

The extraction of iron from its ore using carbon is a reduction reaction, specifically a redox reaction. Carbon reduces the iron oxide in the ore by donating electrons to the iron, resulting in the formation of elemental iron and carbon dioxide.

What mineral is used to create an iron ore?

Hematite and magnetite are the primary minerals used to create iron ore through the process of extraction and refining. These minerals contain a high concentration of iron, which is extracted and processed into iron ore for various industrial applications such as steel production.

What is a waste product from iron ore?

A waste product from iron ore processing is tailings, which are fine-grained materials left over after the extraction of iron from the ore. Tailings are typically stored in tailings ponds or disposed of in other ways to prevent environmental contamination.

Is iron ore a finite resources?

Yes, iron ore is considered a finite resource because it is a natural mineral that exists in limited quantities in the Earth's crust. Extraction of iron ore can lead to depletion of reserves over time if not managed sustainably.

Why is limestone added to the blast furnace during the extraction of iron?

Limestone is added to the blast furnace during the extraction of iron to act as a flux. It helps to remove impurities, such as silica, from the iron ore by combining with them to form slag. The slag can then be easily separated from the molten iron.

What are the disadvantages of iron ore?

Some disadvantages of iron ore include environmental impact through mining activities, production of waste materials, and deforestation. Additionally, iron ore mining can generate pollution and harm local ecosystems if not managed properly. Moreover, iron ore deposits are finite resources that require significant energy and resources for extraction and processing.

Is iron ore renewable?

Iron ore is considered a non-renewable resource because it is a finite material that is extracted from the Earth through mining processes. While new iron ore deposits may be discovered, the rate of extraction exceeds the rate of replenishment, making it unsustainable in the long term.

How does limestone remove impurities during the extraction of iron?

Limestone acts as a flux in the extraction of iron from its ore by combining with impurities such as silica to form slag, which can easily be separated from the molten iron. The basic oxygen furnace method of extraction relies on the addition of limestone to the iron ore mixture to help achieve this separation and improve the quality of the final product.