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The atomic formula for water (H2O) is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

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Q: What is the atomic formula for h2o?
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What is the atomic mass and number for H2O?

The atomic mass of H2O is 18.01528amu. Each hydrogen atom has a mass of 1.00794amu and the oxygen atom has a mass of 15.9994amu. There is not atomic number for H2O, as it is a compound, not an element. H: 2 x 1.00794amu = 2.01588amu O: 1 x 15.9994amu = 15.9994amu Total = 18.01528amu

An ingredient list for a compound that uses atomic symbols and subscripts?

Sure! Here is an example of an ingredient list for water, using atomic symbols and subscripts: H2O

What's formula is H2O?

H2O is the chemical formula of water.

What is the atomic mass of water?

The atomic mass of water (H2O) is calculated by adding the atomic masses of its constituent elements, which are hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O). The atomic mass of hydrogen is approximately 1, and the atomic mass of oxygen is approximately 16. Therefore, the atomic mass of water is approximately 18 (1 + 1 + 16).

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RFM stands for Relative Formula Mass, and is calculated by adding up the atomic masses of all the elements in the chemical formula of a compound. In the case of water (H2O), the RFM would be calculated as: (2 atoms of hydrogen x atomic mass of hydrogen) + (1 atom of oxygen x atomic mass of oxygen). The atomic masses of hydrogen and oxygen are approximately 1 and 16 respectively, so the RFM of H2O would be approximately 18.

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H2O is the chemical formula for water, which is a common compound found on Earth in liquid, solid, and gaseous forms.

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The formula for a hydrogen hydroxide molecule is H2O or water.

H2O is a what of water?

H2O is a chemical formula for water.

What does H2O formula mean?

H2O is the formula for water: two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen.

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Formula= H2O(s)

What is formula of water?

The chemical formula is H2O.