The abbreviation for silicon on the periodic table is Si.
The chemical symbol for potassium is K.The abbreviation on the periodic table is K.
The symbol for potassium on the periodic table is K.
The abbreviation for ammonia on the periodic table is NH3.
The abbreviation for cyanide on the periodic table is CN.
The element potassium is represented by the abbreviation K in the periodic table.
On the periodic table, the abbreviation for potassium is "K"
K...its its abbreviation on the periodic table
The abbreviation for silicon on the periodic table is Si.
The chemical symbol for potassium is K.The abbreviation on the periodic table is K.
The abbreviation for helium on the periodic table is He.
The abbreviation for copper on the periodic table is Cu.
The symbol for potassium on the periodic table is K.
The abbreviation for ammonia on the periodic table is NH3.
The abbreviation for cyanide on the periodic table is CN.
The abbreviation for silicon on the periodic table is Si.
The abbreviation for Silver on the periodic table of elements is Ag.