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7mo ago

The pH level of hand sanitizer typically ranges from 5.5 to 7.5. This pH range is generally considered safe for skin contact and effective in killing germs. Some hand sanitizers may also contain emollients to prevent skin irritation.

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You should first determine what the TA (Total Alkalinity)of YOUR pool should be. You can do this by having the Total Hardness (not calcium hardness)tested. (Examples shown below). Then adjust the TA to where it should be for YOUR pool. Raise by adding bicarb of soda, lower by adding acid a little at a time. When the TA is where it should be, then ajust pH. Some TA levels for various TH readings: TH 100 = TA 100-110 TH 200 = TA 90-100 TH 300 = TA 80-90 TH 400 = TA 75-85 TH 500 = TA 70-80 If TH is over 500ppm AND at least 300ppm above that of the fill water, empty pool and refill.

What type of substances can make th pH of water change?

Both acids and bases.