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Sulfur is a component of gunpowder. It is used in the vulcanization of rubber. Sulfur has applications as a fungicide, fumigant, and in the making of fertilizers. It is used to make sulfuric acid. Sulfur is used in the making of several types of paper and as a bleaching agent. Elemental sulfur is used as an electrical insulator. The organic compounds of sulfur have many uses. Sulfur is an element that is essential for life. However, sulfur compounds can be highly toxic. For example, small amounts of hydrogen sulfide can be metabolized, but higher concentrations can quickly cause death from respiratory paralysis. Hydrogen sulfide quickly deadens the sense of smell. Sulfur dioxide is an important atmospheric pollutant.

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Sulfur is commonly used in the production of sulfuric acid, rubber vulcanization, and fertilizers. It is also used in various industries such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and food processing. Additionally, sulfur is used in the extraction of metals from ores and in the production of gunpowder.

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What is the non metal used in vulcanisation of rubber?

Sulfur is the non metal used in the vulcanization of rubber. When heated with rubber, sulfur forms cross-links between the polymer chains, improving the rubber's strength, elasticity, and durability.

What are the 10 uses of sulfur?

Fertilizers: Sulfur is an essential nutrient for plants and is commonly used in fertilizers to promote growth. Pharmaceuticals: Sulfur compounds are used in the production of a variety of pharmaceuticals, including antibiotics and skin treatments. Rubber manufacturing: Sulfur is used in vulcanizing rubber to improve its strength and elasticity. Pesticides: Sulfur is used in the production of some pesticides to control pests and diseases in agriculture. Batteries: Sulfur is used in the production of some types of batteries, such as lithium-sulfur batteries. Paper production: Sulfur compounds are used in the pulping process in paper production. Food preservation: Sulfur dioxide is used as a preservative in some food products to prevent spoilage. Petroleum refining: Sulfur is removed from crude oil during the refining process to reduce pollution. Wine making: Sulfur dioxide is commonly used as a preservative in winemaking to prevent spoilage and oxidation. Water treatment: Sulfur compounds are used in water treatment processes to remove impurities and improve water quality.

Which device is used to separate iron dust and sulfur?

A magnet can be used to separate iron dust from sulfur since iron is magnetic while sulfur is not. By passing a magnet over the mixture, the iron dust will be attracted to the magnet, leaving the sulfur behind.

Is a sulfur candle pure sulfur?

No, a sulfur candle is not made of pure sulfur. It usually contains a mixture of sulfur and other chemicals that allow it to produce sulfur dioxide gas when burned. The sulfur dioxide gas is used for fumigation purposes.

What sulphur used for?

Sulfur is used in various industries including agriculture as a fertilizer, in the production of chemicals like sulfuric acid, in the manufacturing of rubber products, and in medicine as a treatment for certain skin conditions. Additionally, sulfur is used to create sulfur dioxide gas, which is utilized in food preservation and as a bleaching agent for paper products.

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What has been used in the past?

what has sulfur been used in the past?what has sulfur been used in the past?

What is sulfur uesd for?

sulfur is used for gun powder and protein

What has sulfur been used in the past?

Sulfur has been historically used in the production of gunpowder, as a fumigant for pest control, in traditional medicine for skin conditions, and as a component in the vulcanization of rubber.

What is the non metal used in vulcanisation of rubber?

Sulfur is the non metal used in the vulcanization of rubber. When heated with rubber, sulfur forms cross-links between the polymer chains, improving the rubber's strength, elasticity, and durability.

What is another way that sulfur is used?

Sulfur is used in the production of matches, explosives, sulfuric acid, and tires.

What liquid can be used to separate mixture of iron filings and sulfur?

A magnet can be used to separate iron filings from sulfur. The iron filings are magnetic, so they will be attracted to the magnet, leaving the sulfur behind.

Which device is used to separate iron dust and sulfur?

A magnet can be used to separate iron dust from sulfur since iron is magnetic while sulfur is not. By passing a magnet over the mixture, the iron dust will be attracted to the magnet, leaving the sulfur behind.

Is a sulfur candle pure sulfur?

No, a sulfur candle is not made of pure sulfur. It usually contains a mixture of sulfur and other chemicals that allow it to produce sulfur dioxide gas when burned. The sulfur dioxide gas is used for fumigation purposes.

What are the 10 uses of sulfur?

Fertilizers: Sulfur is an essential nutrient for plants and is commonly used in fertilizers to promote growth. Pharmaceuticals: Sulfur compounds are used in the production of a variety of pharmaceuticals, including antibiotics and skin treatments. Rubber manufacturing: Sulfur is used in vulcanizing rubber to improve its strength and elasticity. Pesticides: Sulfur is used in the production of some pesticides to control pests and diseases in agriculture. Batteries: Sulfur is used in the production of some types of batteries, such as lithium-sulfur batteries. Paper production: Sulfur compounds are used in the pulping process in paper production. Food preservation: Sulfur dioxide is used as a preservative in some food products to prevent spoilage. Petroleum refining: Sulfur is removed from crude oil during the refining process to reduce pollution. Wine making: Sulfur dioxide is commonly used as a preservative in winemaking to prevent spoilage and oxidation. Water treatment: Sulfur compounds are used in water treatment processes to remove impurities and improve water quality.

How many of the 6 valence electrons in sulfur are used in covalent bonding in sulfur tetrachloride and dislufur diflouride?

In sulfur tetrachloride (SCl4), all 6 valence electrons of sulfur are used, as sulfur forms 4 covalent bonds with 4 chlorine atoms. In disulfur difluoride (S2F2), 4 of the 6 valence electrons of sulfur are used, as sulfur forms 2 covalent bonds with another sulfur atom and 2 covalent bonds with 2 fluorine atoms.

Why is sulfur used in freterlizers?

Sulfur is used in fertilizers because it has amino acids which make up the right balance of chemicals.

Can sulfur be used for jewelry?

Yes, sulfur is sometimes used in jewelry making as yellow gold, also known as gold-sulfur. It is a type of gold alloy that contains sulfur to create a unique yellowish color. However, pure sulfur itself is not commonly used in jewelry due to its brittle and unstable nature.